Chapter 3.

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---Cameron's POV---

The first 4 periods were just a blur. I had math, art, chemistry, and history, all of which I got multiple stares, and even evil looks, in. In chemistry, obviously nobody jumped at the chance to have me join their lab group. So Mrs.Dally stuck me with a group of the 3 seemingly mean popular kids of the class. They didn't exactly give me a warm welcome. But whatever, it's lunch time now. I sat at a table with 2 chairs, alone. I saw that weird girl, Erin, again getting a soda by the lunch line. When she turned around she looked like a mix and fear and embarrassment, then walked away. The next thing I knew, a different girl was right next to me. She sat at my table. There's something about her...




Cliffhanger c; sorry this took soooooo long, I kept on forgetting to upload and I've been super busy! Uploads will come soon now!(:

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