Little Winged One

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Gray woke the following morning spooning Natsu, his back flush against Gray's chest. He breathed out happily, pulling Natsu in closer to his chest, gently wrapping his arms around him and placing a hand on Natsu's bump, rubbing gently. Gray was slowly drifting back to sleep when the bedroom door flung open, disrupting the silence.

"You aren't still in bed?! I told you we were coming round and besides its nearly midday" Lucy chirped. Gray looked over in confusion, not having a clue what was going on. Natsu groaned, covering his face as he heard Lucy's loud voice.

"We can do it some other time, go away" Natsu mumbled tiredly

"No, we came the whole way here and brought all the stuff so we are doing it!" Lucy insisted

"Do what exactly?" Gray questioned, still not knowing what was going on

"Didn't Natsu tell you? We're going to try and make a mould of Natsu's belly so that we know how to do it. Then we'll do it properly before fairy is born, near Natsu's due date. So this is gonna be our trial run" Lucy informed "So, get up" Lucy ordered, moving closer to the bed to pull the quilt off Gray and Natsu. Her face flushed bright pink once the covers landed on the floor and she realised they were naked.

"Why does this always happen to me" Lucy cried, covering her eyes before running out of the room. Gray just laughed as he watched her leave and Natsu was too tired to care.


It was about 10 minutes later when Gray and Natsu finally emerged from their bedroom (fully dressed) to find their friends sitting around the living room chatting amongst themselves. Lucy, Levy, Happy, Erza and surprisingly Gajeel were all there. Before anyone could even say anything Gajeel spoke up.

"I didn't choose to be here, I had no choice in the matter" Gajeel complained, glaring over at Levy.

"Hush, Gajeel. It will be fun" Levy insisted

"So are you ready Natsu?" Erza beamed

"Yeah sure" Natsu mumbled, wishing he was still curled up in bed with Gray. He took a seat in the chair that had been placed in between the sofa and the arm chair as Gray sat down next to Erza on the sofa.

"Shirt off" Lucy hummed as she busied herself getting everything ready

"I didn't know you would want to do this kind of stuff" Gray stated

"I didn't but I was too scared to say no" Natsu mumbled and Gray just laughed. Natsu didn't say it but Gray knew he meant he was scared to say no to Erza. He knew how she got with this kinda stuff.

"Ok you'll probably have to take your trousers off aswell so we can get all of your belly" Lucy said

"Do I have to?" Natsu groaned

"You'll still have your boxers on, it's fine" Lucy insisted

"Here Gray" Levy said reaching out and handing Gray a small bottle of oil.

"Why are you giving me this?" Gray questioned, analysing the bottle in his hands.

"You need to put it over Natsu's belly so that the plaster will come off easily" Levy explained. Gray walked over to Natsu, rubbing the oil over his chest and bump, leaning down to give him a kiss once he was done.

"You two  are so sweet together" Levy cooed as she watched them

"I think it's sickening" Happy teased

"Can we get on with this?" Natsu complained

"Yeah I agree with salamander" Gajeel muttered

"Ok would you two give over" Erza glared

It took Lucy and Levy 20 minutes just to figure out what they were going then another 20 minutes to actually apply the plaster to Natsu's bump. They were currently waiting for it to dry. 

"Can you go make me something to eat?" Natsu asked Gray

"Sure what do you want baby?" Gray hummed turning his attention to Natsu

"Do you really need to ask that" Natsu replied. Gray rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly as he got up to go to the kitchen.

"How much longer?" Natsu whined

"It should be dry in 10 or 15 minutes" Lucy confirmed

Gray returned a few minutes later with a bowl in his hand. He handed it to Natsu before returning to his seat.

"What the hell are you eating?" Gajeel questioned, screwing his nose up as he spotted Natsu's food

"That would be Natsu's most recent craving" Happy informed

"What is it exactly?" Lucy asked

"It's only cereal" Natsu mumbled through a mouthful

"Yeah, cereal with mushy peas and ketchup" Gray laughed

"leave me alone, none of you understand. I can't help it, I literally need to have it" Natsu huffed out

"I found him eating it in the kitchen at 3 in the morning a few days ago" Gray explained "the first craving was ice cubes and then it was mashed potatoes with maple syrup and now this" Gray added

"That's so weird Natsu" Lucy stated

"Okay, yeah, we all get it, it's weird. Blame the baby" Natsu insisted

"Ok well on a different note, I think we can take the cast off now" Levy informed

"Can I keep eating?" Natsu asked

"Yes Natsu you can keep eating while we take it off" Lucy laughed, rolling her eyes.

It took a few minutes but they finally got the cast off Natsu's belly. Lucy was pretty proud of how well it turned out and Natsu was just happy to be able to move again. He pulled his trousers back on before going over and sitting in Gray's lap as there was no where else to sit.

"Can't believe I'll have to go through all this again" Natsu sighed

"Yeah but next time we will know what we're doing" Lucy informed "I can't wait to show everyone the cast" She beamed.

"By the way, we have something we need to tell you" Gray stated

"We have a name for fairy" Natsu smiled

"You do? Since when?" Erza asked excitedly

"We picked out names ages ago but had to wait to find out if we were having a girl or a boy and then we wanted to tell you when we were all together" Natsu explained

"So what's her name going to be?" Lucy questioned

"Aleta Ur Dragneel-Fullbuster"

Aleta: Little Winged One

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