About Time

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"So is it a boy or a girl?" Lucy beamed as Natsu and Gray exited the infirmary after Natsu's check up with Porlyusica. Gray and Natsu both smiling brightly as they closed the distance between Lucy and themselves.

"It's a girl" Natsu confirmed, turning to smile at Gray.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited! I'm going to be an aunt to a precious baby girl. She could call me Aunty Lu or Aunty Lu Lu, that's even cuter right?!" Lucy squealed, rambling on as Natsu and Gray just laughed at her.

"Hey I'm tired, I'm going to head home" Natsu said

"I'll come with you. See you later Lucy" Gray smiled as he took Natsu's hand.


It was about an hour after they got home and Natsu has been asleep most of it. He wandered out of the bedroom to find Gray sitting on the sofa. Gray smiled up at Natsu as he walked over in front of Gray to lean down and give him a kiss. Natsu deepened the kiss and crawled into Gray's lap as Gray gently held onto his hips. After a few minutes of making out, Natsu began to gently grind his hips down into Gray's.

"I, uh, I should get down to the guild" Gray sputtered. Natsu looked down at Gray in confusion.

"Why?" Natsu asked

"I uh told Erza I would help her with a few things and it's getting late so I should probably go and see her" Gray lied looking away from Natsu

"Oh, ok. Sorry" Natsu mumbled getting up off Gray and quickly making his way into the bedroom. Gray hadn't mentioned earlier that he was going to help Erza with stuff. Natsu heard the front door close and couldn't hold back the tears that streamed down his cheeks. Clearly Gray didn't want to have sex with him. Natsu curled up in bed, still crying as he tried to find an explanation but not finding any. Apart from the most obvious, Gray didn't find Natsu attractive now that he was pregnant. Natsu could feel his stomach in a knot as he continued to think about Gray making up excuses so that he could avoid Natsu. Did he just not want sex? Was it because he didn't find Natsu attractive because he was pregnant? Did he think Natsu looked fat? Natsu didn't know what do think. Natsu was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts as he heard someone come into the house.

"Gray? Natsu?" Lucy called as she closed the front door behind her.

Natsu quickly stood from the bed, wiping the tears from his eyes and trying to make himself look half decent before going to greet Lucy.

"Uh, hey Lucy. What are you doing here" Natsu asked his voice breaking a bit as he spoke. Lucy eyed him cautiously before replying.

"Just after you two left Porlyusica came out and gave me your tablets cause you forgot to take them with you, so I came to drop them off" Lucy stated

"Oh thanks" Natsu smiled weakly

"So... Are we going to talk about what's wrong? Lucy coaxed, knowing full well that Natsu had been crying and Gray clearly wasn't home. Natsu looked over to her trying his best to keep it together but just couldn't manage it. He broke down yet again. He blamed being pregnant. Lucy rushed over, pulling him into a hug and gently rubbing his back to try and comfort him in some way. Lucy gently lead Natsu over to the sofa, sitting him down before taking a seat next to him.

"So what happened?" Lucy asked

"Gray, he doesn't want to, he wont have sex with me" Natsu whispered "We haven't done anything in a few months now and every time I try, he doesn't want to and then earlier he made up an excuse about needing to help Erza and then he left" Natsu explained

"I'm sure you're just over thinking it" Lucy stated

"I think he thinks I'm unattractive cause I'm pregnant and that's why he's avoiding sex" Natsu mumbled

"Natsu, there is no way in hell Gray could find you unattractive. He loves you as much as you love him" Lucy scolded, not wanting Natsu to be thinking things like that

"It's the only thing that makes sense" Natsu insisted

"How about I stay with you a while and we can watch a movie or something? Take your mind off it" Lucy suggested

"Yeah, I'd like that" Natsu confessed


Gray had been sitting in the guild hall for a while now on his own. He didn't really know what to do. He then spotted Levy walking past and quickly got up to go talk to her.

"Levy!" Gray shouted as he got close enough to her

"Oh, hey Gray" She smiled as she turned around to face Gray

"Do you mind if I talk to you about something? I mean if your busy it's fine, it's uh not important. Actually never mind, forget I said anything." Gray rushed out

"I'm not busy and besides it's clearly important" She smiled as she walked over to a table in the corner away from the rest of the guild members, Gray following behind. They sat opposite each other, Levy waiting for Gray to start. Gray didn't really know what to say, he wasn't sure why he had asked to talk to Levy in the first place. He knew how awkward it would be.

"Me and Natsu haven't had sex in a few months now" Gray blurted out, cheeks turning a light shade of pink

"Well I'm sure Natsu just doesn't want to because he's tired and-" Levy started but was soon cut off by Gray

"It's not him that doesn't want to have sex, it's me" Gray confessed

"Okay, I'm kinda lost now" Levy replied

"I want to have sex with him, it's just, I'm scared" Gray mumbled

"You're scared? I mean you and Natsu have clearly had sex before, what's different now?" Levy questioned

"The difference is he's pregnant and I'm terrified I'm going to hurt him or something" Gray explained

"Boys really are idiots" Levy laughed. Gray looked over at her, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "You aren't going to hurt him or the baby" She added, looking over to Gray

"Yeah but what if-" Gray started

"You are not going to hurt him" Levy repeated "and besides Natsu seems keen, so you really don't have any thing to be doubting" She insisted


Gray returned home to find Natsu and Lucy sitting on the sofa watching some film. They both turned to look at him as he entered the living room. Lucy stood and gathered her stuff, knowing that they needed to talk.

"I should be going now anyway. I'll see you two tomorrow" Lucy smiled as she left.

"I'm sorry about earlier" Gray apologised as he sat down next to Natsu

"It's fine" Natsu mumbled, keeping his eyes locked on the TV. They sat in silence for a few moments before Gray spoke up again.

"I shouldn't of lied to you Natsu and I'm really sorry but I was scared and I didn't know what to do" Gray pleaded looking at Natsu

"Scared? Scared of what? Scared of realising how ugly I am now?" Natsu snapped

"What? No! I was scared that I was going to hurt you or the baby. That's why I kept avoiding it. You couldn't really believe I'd think you were ugly now?" Gray questioned

"I don't know maybe. But why didn't you just tell me you were scared you idiot" Natsu yelled

"I don't know" Gray mumbled

"I know, because you're an idiot" Natsu stated

"Ok we've established I'm an idiot" Gray pouted "Do you forgive me?" Gray pleaded looking over to Natsu

"Yeah, of course I do, snowflake" Natsu smiled

"If you want to, we have a lot of lost time to make up for" Gray suggested

"About time!" Natsu stated, dragging Gray up off the sofa and into the bedroom.

I Didn't Kiss Him He Kissed MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora