"What's that supposed to mean?" Poppy asked suspiciously towards Tom, who was currently mastering a smirk I knew as he grew older would only become more frightening.  

"That's Mrs. Crucio," Tom explained slowly, as though he were talking to a bunch of dim wits. "She's the head of the upper school levels, one strict woman she is. Gave my brother detention the other day for not having his shirt tucked in- mental!"   

We all absorbed Tom's information as he quickly skimmed down the aisle and back to his louder side of the bus. I could tell we all became a little more uncomfortable knowing that this lady taught upper levels, but she couldn't be that bad. Right?       


"Everybody, walk in a straight line. Get on, get moving, we havent got all day." Mrs. Crucio nagged again for the hundredth time since her outburst in the bus.   

"Yes we actually do." Poppy silently talked back, biting her tongue as soon as Mrs. Crucio looked our way.  

"What was that?"   

We all ran in the opposite direction, trying to hide the fact that we were laughing so we wouldn't get caught. On the bus, we all decided not to let this uptight lady ruin our field trip. If she was going to be strict, fine, but one thing was for sure she wasn't going to ruin our day.   

When we all finally came to a stop at the entrance, Mrs. Crucio walked past all of us slowly; almost as if she were inspecting us before sending us of to battle. Once she reached the front of the line, she snapped out a clip board from behind her back.  

"I am going to call your names and when I do, say present." She ordered, again, making us all feel like we were about to enter war grounds.  

My last name was one of the firsts on the list, so I prepared myself.  

"Brown? Tessa Brown?" Mrs. Crucio called out right when I knew she would.   My hand rose to the air nervously, fidgeting as her eyes latched onto me and looked me head to toe.  

"Present." I softly whispered, feeling a knot clump in the back of my throat.  

"Hmph." Mrs. Crucio didn't look at all impressed with me, which for some reason made me mad and a little bit uncomfortable. Here eyes wandered back to her check list, with out giving me a second look. My teeth grinded together, I was liking this teacher less and less by the second.  

"Brillings," She called out with a tone of disgust as her eyes glared down at us. "Tom Brillings."   

A few snickers were heard from some where behind us, which made me automatically know Tom had to be back there. Then, full on laughter erupted as I watched Tom pointed his finger in the air and guide his way closer to the teacher who stood in front of him. That same smirk was smudged all over his face as he quickly snapped his fingers together then used them to point a finger gun at her.   

"That, would be me." He lazily stated, wiggling his eye brows at Mrs. Crucio- who by the way looked like she was about to snap her poor 2.0 pencil into bits. However she quickly straightened out, cracking her neck to the side and unfisting her fingers from her clip board.  

"So you're the other Brillings." She announced in annoyance, locking eye sight with Tom. I was so taken back by Tom's bravery at times, even though he was an absolute bone head, I had to admit he had alot of guts. At least, this certainly helped prove it.   

"Yes I am." He stated proudly, crossing his skinny arms over his chest. Even Harry and I couldn't help but dimly smile at how up front Tom was being with the professor. I swear his wits were what made him a laugh.   

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