Oh, shit. I'm in for it now.

"I swear to God Justin... It's a good thing Freddie is following us to protect you, cause I'm about to strangle you." She says before turning away.

"Why are you so stuck on being right? Just ask for directions." She says as I start the car up again.

"I don't need them." I repeat for about the hundredth time.

Just as I'm about to take off, she takes her seatbelt off and gets out of the car.

"Tash, get back in here right now!!" I yell as I open the window. She turns around and flips the bird at me before walking to the Tim Hortons across the street.

I jump out of the car and follow after her, Freddie getting out too. When I get inside, I see her sitting with a motorcycle gang. She's eating a timbit as they talk and I walk over grabbing her arm.

"What the fuck was that tantrum?" I ask and the guys stiffen up. 2 stand up and I gulp, my Adam's apple bobbing a little. It's pretty empty in this place, so they could beat my ass if they wanted. Tash just wriggles her arm free and gestures for them to sit, which they do. The fuck??

"So to get to Loydminister, I have to go 2 kilometres south, and 1 kilometre east? Then we'll be in Loydminister and I can get back onto the TransCanada highway?" Tash asks and they all nod.

"Yes ma'am. I hope you have fun on your road trip. Remember to call me if anything happens to you, okay?" The biggest one says, making my eyebrows raise and jaw clench. This bitch wants to fight me.

"Sure thing Mr. Dunphy. Make sure to tell Sarah, Jess, and Hailey that I say hey." Tash says before smiling and waving at them.

"I will. Bye." They wave and so does she before walking out. I give them a threatening nod before following her. Freddie's ordering food so we have to wait in the car and I've never been so confused in my life.

"How'd you know them?" I ask quietly. Tash is still looking out her window in silence.

"I went to school with some of their daughters." She mumbles and I nod before looking away.

It's quiet for another 3 minute and I sigh, grabbing Tash's face and kissing her softly before pulling away.

"I love you, and I'm sorry. I was wrong, and you were right. Next time, I promise I'll ask for directions." I search her eyes and I see her smile a little before nodding. I smile too and lean into kiss her again when I hear tapping on my window. I pull away and see Freddie holding up bags of food. Pecking her lips quickly, I open the window and take the food.

"Thanks Fred." I say before I hand the bags to Tash. "We know how to get back on the TransCanada so just follow us." He nods and walks back to his car.

"Babe, did you order 3 breakfast sandwiches?" Tash asks, laughing and I blush shrugging.

"A mans gotta eat." I start showing off my muscles and she nods.

"Oh, okay. I get it." She smiles and hands me one, before taking out her hashbrown and wrap.

~~~4 hours later~~~

We're back on the road. Tash is sipping on her mixture of sprite and orange soda and when she puts it down, I pick it up and sip. Tastes good.

We're listening to some country music and baby girl is flipping through some magazines.

"Babe, look at Kendall. She looks so good." She shows me the photos and I nod.

"Yeah they're good photos. But I'd rather see you modelling that dress. You've got the legs for it. The perfect skin, smooth thighs and a beautiful skin colour that would match the dress." I say my hand on her thigh, rubbing it. They're so curvy and long.

"Babe, stop." She says giggling, before swatting my hand away. I chuckle lowly and smile a little.

"Wanna make a pit stop? There's a hotel a few kilometres ahead. I need you baby." I ask, biting down on my lip. I watch her squirm a little which means I'm getting to her.

"We have some more driving to do." She opens the window a little and I smirk.

"We can sleep now and start driving earlier." I say as I get off the highway and onto the road, heading towards the hotel.

"Knowing you, we won't be sleeping." She says laughing. I smile too and lean in kissing her cheek.

"But knowing you, I know you don't mind." She rolls her tongue on the inside of her cheek and I know that I've got her.

"Fine." She says before we park the car and I grab our bags walking in excited.

"Can we get the master suite please?" I ask and Tash laughs a little. The girl at the front desk nods and hands me the keycard as I pay.

I take Tash's hand and we make our way to the room. I flip the do not disturb sign and smirk before getting in and locking the door.

Let's just say that we didn't get a whole lot of sleep and neither did the people in our hallway😏


This is my first imagine😅. I hope you guys like it though. I know that it's a lot, I just wanted length. And I didn't use Y/N because whenever I read imagines, I always read it 'Y/N' instead of 'Ashley'. If you prefer it to be Y/N and I'll change it.

Justin Bieber Imagines (BWWM)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang