Road Trip

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Tash's POV

"Baaaaabe!! Hurry, we need to get on the road soon." Justin yells out as I pack up the last of my clothes. We're in our home country, Canada for Justin's Purpose tour and he is getting a small break so we're going on a road trip to Kelowna, B.C. before it's over.

We're driving from Regina, Saskatchewan and that takes a little less than a day driving. We have to go now so we can camp for 3 days. I've only ever been on one road trip with my family and that didn't go so well. I almost killed my brother that day for being an annoying little shit so I'm praying that Justin's going to show me a good time.

"I'm coming babe! One second!" I yell back as I place my outfits and hygiene products in the duffle bag before slipping on my shoes and running into the living room of our hotel, wrapping my arms around Justin's waist as he talks to Freddie about the security protocols.

"Hey slow poke, you're finally ready?" He asks as he pulls me to his side and wraps his arm over my shoulder, grinning at me while Za sits on the couch, eating some pizza. It's like 4 in the morning. Tf??

"I'm not slow. You're just too fast." I say before pinching his arm lightly. Kissing my forehead, he smiles and takes my bag before resuming his conversation with Freddie.

Justin and I want to take the trip on our own, but management doesn't think that's a good idea. So Jay and I will take our own car, but Freddie will be following us in his car, just until we get to the camp site safely. 

I go into the bathroom and start to brush my hair. It's shoulder length and very curly and thick, which makes it hard to brush. When I'm done, I place it in a bun and re-examine my outfit.

I'm wearing light blue shorts, a white crop top, Justin's army jacket and black combat boots.

"Tash, come on. We need to hit the road, I've got food and blankets in the car." Justin says as he comes into the bathroom and smiles at me. "You look cute."

Blushing, I smile and take his hand before waving goodbye to Za and Kendall who just recently joined him. They're cuddling and eating pizza on the couch. Cute.


Once we're in the car, I look back to see nothing but food, blankets, magazines, and our bags. It's a lot of stuff, so I'm thankful that we're not crossing the border.

"Babe, where's all the camping gear?" I ask as I put my seatbelt on and look over at him.

"In Freddie's car. Since he has to follow us, he decided to take out gear too." Jay starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"Are you ready for our trip babe?!?" I ask excitedly, as I clap a little.

"Yeah, I'm ready babe. You ready?" He asks trying to be cool, and I giggle a little.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

We look at each other and together we yell, "THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST ROAD TRIP EVER!!" before erupting in laughter.

~~~2 hours later~~~

Justin's POV

"Can you just admit that we're lost?!?" Tash yells at me as I pull over and stop the car. We're supposed to be in some place called Loydminister and I can't seem to find my way there.

But Tash doesn't need to know that.

"I'm not lost, okay?! I don't need you yelling at me right now, so stop." I tell her and she raises her eyebrow at me, and laughs a little.

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