Twilight_fan_foeva Contest #6-Fan Fiction

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A/N: Hey Rebel Readers! Yeah, yeah I know I write a lot of fan fiction. But it's my specialty, and it's fun to write. And yes, I know I already have a Fall Out Boy fan fiction. But, this is just a short story. So I hope yall enjoy!!


"But Mom!" I argue. "Do I have to?"

"Alex, your brother hasn't seen you in forever. He wants to spend time with you." My mom says.

"But-" I start.

"No buts! Now please, go pack before your brother gets here."

"Too late!" My brother opens the door to the house.

"Patrick!" She says giving him a hug. "I missed you baby boy!"

"Missed you too ma." Patrick looks over at me. "Alex! My baby sis, bring it in!"

I give him a hug as well. "Hey Pat."

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I roll my eyes. "She doesn't want to go on tour with you. She wants to stay home, and become an anti social teenager." Mom says for me.

"I already am an anti social teenager."

"Well, you're 19 now, and you need to get out more."

"Don't worry, Alex." Pat cuts in, "We are going to have lots of fun."


After I get done packing, and loading my things into the tour bus, we take off to pick up the rest of they guys. They pick up Andy, then Joe, and finally Pete.

Pete has always been the closest to me out of the three of them. I don't know what it is about him. He's so reliable, and sweet to me. "Hey Alex," He says giving me a hug. "It's been a while since I saw you last. You look... nice."

"Thanks." I smile.

"Hey, you smiled!" Patrick says.

"Did not!"

"I saw it too, Alex. Can't deny it." Pete says, smiling as well.

"Come here." Pat says, waving his arm for me to come over. I sit down next to him at the table.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," He wraps his arm around me, squeezing me. "I just missed you."

"I missed you too, Big Bro."

"I'm glad you came with us." Pete says, sitting down across from us.

"Uh, thanks."

"So, any updates? You know, about life?" He asks.

"Well... my boyfriend broke up with me about a month ago." I look into his eyes. I see hurt, but at the same time, relief. He tries to hold back a smile by biting his lip.

"Oh, I'm really sorry about that."

"And I don't really have a life. Unlike you guys. So... that's about it. You?"

"Just been getting ready for this tour. Not much else."

"It is a lot of work though." Pat interrupts.

"So, I was thinking, we should all go to dinner tonight. Like a reunion." Pete suggests.

"Sounds good to me." Pat smiles.


We walk into the restaurant, and sit at the table. We talk about what has been going on. Joe tells us how he got a girlfriend, and quiet Andy Hurley stayed just the same. Patrick has someone he is interested in, named Elisa. He went to high school with her, but she was popular, and my brother was a nerd. She was always nice to him though, necer teasing him, or being rude. But they've caught up these past few months, and talk all the time. It's  weird that my brother likes someone. I never imagined him like that. He's too sweet, and I don't want anyone to break his fragile little heart.

On the other hand, Pete mentions he might be interested in someone but he won't say who.

"Guys, it just slipped. I wasn't even going to tell you that."

"Well, you did, so now you have to tell us, dude!" Joe says. "We're close, it's okay."

Pete looks at the table, then back up at me with worry in his eyes. "Sorry guys. It's my business for now."

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Pat says.

"Thanks, man."


After dinner, we get back on the bus, and they guys go into the lounge area to play video games.

I'm not so interested in that, so I quietly read my book in my bunk.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, guys." I hear Pete say. But instead he walks into the bunk area. "Hey, Alex."

"Oh, hi Pete." I put down my book.

"Can I talk to you?" He says shakey.

"Yeah." I sit up in my bunk, and pat the spot next to me for him to sit.

"I have something to tell you." He rubs the back of his neck. "At dinner, I didn't want to tell the guys who I was interested in, because I didn't want to hurt them."

"What do you mean?"

"I-" He looks up at me and bites his lip. This makes my heart skip a beat. "I like you, Alex." He touches my arm, sending tingles throughout my nerves. "More than a close friend." Pete likes me? But why? "A lot."

All I can do is stare at him. I don't know what to say.

"I know this is a lot to take in at the moment. And, I'm sorry."

"No, it's- it's okay."

"I know this is making you uncomfortable. I'm sorry again." He stands up, to go back to the lounge.

"Wait," I stand up, and grab his wrist. He turns around, facing me. "The truth is, I like you too, Pete, more than a friend."

"You do?" He says surprised.

I nod, and bite my lip, "Yeah. And I have for a while. I didn't know what my brother would think because you're his best friend, and-"

"Alex, I'm just glad to hear you like me too." He wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me toward him. He lifts my chin, and leans in. I close my eyes, and connect my lips with his.

I know the cliché thing to say is that I feel fire works. But the truth is, it's not like that. It's like electricity, and sparks running through my body.

"Pete?" A voice says, confused. We separate from the kiss. I look around Pete's shoulder to see my brother standing there. "What do you think you're doing?" Oh no. Protective brother mode has been activated.

Pete turns around to look at Pat. "Oh hey Patrick."

"What do you think you're doing?!?" He clinches his fists. I hide behind Pete, as my brother comes closer.

"I can explain." Pete holds out his arms to block me. I know Patrick would never hurt me, but I love how Pete tries to protect me.

"Oh really? Then explain to me why you are kissing my sister?"

"I like, your sister, okay? Honest. And she's not one of those girls I'm going to trick into falling in love with me, and then dump her. I'm not like that anymore. I care about, Alex, and will protect her from the world if I have to."

"You're not going to break her heart?" He says calmer.

"I would never."

"Alex?" Patrick looks at me. I come out from behind Pete. "And you?"

"I've liked Pete for a while. But he's your best friend, and I didn't want there to be trouble."

"I see." He looks at the ground. "I guess, I can trust Pete more than anyone else to protect you. I love you both, and don't want you to get hurt."

"I would never hurt Alex. I promise." He snakes his arm around my waist.

"Okay. You two have my blessing." Patrick says like he's been beaten.

"Pat, don't worry. I still love you. Pete's not going to steal me away from you." I walk away from Pete, and hug my brother tight. "I know I don't show it much, but I do love you."

"I love you too, Sis."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2016 ⏰

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