Contest-Girl Contest #5 Loss

28 2 0

A/N: Warning this may be sad. Okay bye.

There I stand at his grave. Its raining on this dreadful day. It always seems to rain on sad occasions. People in black stand around me. Some of them try to comfort me. Some don't say anything. They simply lie their hand on my shoulder, and give me a sad smile. The same sad smile I've been getting for the past few days.

People tell me it gets better, but how would they know. They haven't lost someone the way I have.

I try to cry, but I can't. Other people's tears just blend with the rain.

I'm only a teenage girl. I have all of these bottled up emotions I need to let out. I only allowed one person to hear all of me secrets; to see all of my emotions. Now he's gone. My big brother always supported me. He was my hero, my best friend, and my protector. I have none of that now.

It's not his fault he left me. He didn't have a choice. It kind of just happened. The accident was exactly that; an accident.

Now I'm left here on this earth, without him.


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