I was half tempted to say that wasn't so bad. I mean, a single strand of thread could pull together even the biggest of tears in your pants. You could use thread for a lot of different needs too. You could sew with it, you could rig a booby trap with it if you knew how, tie it around your finger to remind yourself to do something, in extreme cases it was possible to use in stitches until you could get the correct medical supplies, tie things together, hell you could even use a piece of thread as floss to get the gunk out of your teeth. Thread was actually a great resource.

Naturally Ace was aiming to strike fear into my heart, not praise me on the many resources I may provide, so I of course agreed with him. "Yes sir."

He sent me a look, and then Nolan, me, Nolan, me. "I expect much more from the both of you."

"Of course sir."

"Get some sleep." He finally grumbled and signed off without a goodbye.

I slammed the computer shut and smacked the blunt out of Nolan's hand.

"Hey!" He protested.

"Really Nolan!" I yelled.

"What? I was stressing out...you want a hit?" He asked picking it up off the floor quickly and brushing the ashes away.

"Oh I'll take a hit alright!"

He considered this for a moment before leaning away from me. "I don't know that I should trust you...you're going to throw it out the window if I give it to you, aren't you?

I raised a brow and he finally sighed and passed it to me. I rose to my feet, opened a window and tossed it out. He didn't even flinch nor did he object.

"Saw that coming." He muttered.

"Are you trying to get me fired? You know what, don't even answer that." I stood up. "Of course you are, you've been pretty darn upfront with me about not wanting me here."

"He won't fire you." He drawled. "Not unless I get stabbed or something." He added with a chuckle. "Everyone else runs like hell from this gig. He's not going to fire someone who isn't running, not unless you were really bad."

"Have I done a single thing right?!"

"Well. No."

"I would fire me." I huffed.

"I'm starting to think you fancy me Red."

"Well I don't."

"Oh really?" He grinned and leaned forward to prop his elbows on his knees. "You did take your clothes off for me, spend some time naked under your robe in a trashy motel, did you forget when I had my hands tangled in your hair body flush against my own? One would definitely think these were the actions of one who might fancy the other."

"One would be wrong." I bit out.

Nolan let out a chuckle. "It's okay Carter, I'm used to having this effect on women."

"The affect where they beg you not to kiss them?"

He frowned.

"Put a shirt on." I instructed and turned my back to him. "Or don't, I don't really care, it's late. I'm going to sleep."

"What about my five minutes?"

Heavy Wears The CrownWhere stories live. Discover now