Chapter 1

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Instead of going to class after lunch I went outside and smoked. It was a nasty habit I picked up a few weeks after my birthday surprise from Elise and Eric. It seemed like a way to calm my nerves, with nearly no effect on my health, being a werewolf in all. With Alpha blood.

I held the cigarrette lazily between my fingers, contemplating what was really inside of them. Then again, I didn't want to know. It calmed my nerves, and thats all that matters.

The sky was gloomy, rain clouds slowing working its way forward. In New York it rained or snowed more often then not, so it was no big surprise. I liked gloomy weather because it always matched my mood now and days, dark and feeling like shit. Pathetic isn't it? Without him I am nothing. Boys chase after me, girls glare, but are too intimidated to say anything. He is the only one who didn't fall for the fake shit. And a small part of me loves him for it.

I sleep around, get into fights, drink, smoke and curse so much I would put a sailor to shame, but my life is still empty. I had no one to go to anymore, no where to go, and my grades weren't going to get me anywhere, I am probably going to end up in jail, or a pothead. The only thing that would stop me was the fact I had a mate, who I was probably going to reject the shit out of, unless it was Channing Tatum. But as far as I know, he is 100% human.

"Stop, this isn't you..." Eric whispered as he slowly slipped on my left quietly.

"Hop off my dick." I snapped, turning around to glare at him. "You don't know me and you never will."

He doesn't believe you.

I don't care.

Guilt flickered across his face. "Yes I did," he replied softly, "and I know the real you is still in there."

"You don't know shit!" I leaned in sideways toward his face, jabbing him in the chest with every word. "This is the monster you and Elise created, so if you need someone to blame, blame yourselves."

He said nothing, and I turned back and smudged my cigarette under my ragedy converse. Violently, I may add. I was pretending it was his face, and frankly, it was helping.

"Look at me." Eric whispered, moving in front of me.

"Just leave me alone." I seethed, taking a step away from him.

"You know I can't do that. I love you." If I had a penny every time he said that, I'd still be broke. Thats okay though.

"You can't love us both, and you made you're choice. So fuck off." I hiss, offering no mercy towards the guilt his wolf was carrying.

"Seriously? I made my choice? If you gave a shit about me, you would have tried to make us work." His voice slightly raised, patience thinning.

I kept my voice cold and even. "There was never a us. There is a me, and there is a you. And there will never be a us in this lifetime. This is not a romance novel, this is real life. There is no happy endings. Get that through your big ass hallow hea-"

"A part of you will always belong to me. You never forget your first true love. And you may be too stubborn to see it now, but one day, you'll need me. And I'll be here for you. We are meant for each other, and you know that."

His eyes search my face for any signs of any type of feeling other then rage, but I offered him none. I simply turned around and walked away, and he didn't bother trying to stop me.


"There are 25 mateless virgins left." Malikia informed me when I slid into the backseat of her Silver Aston Martin V8, courtesy or her parents, with belong under the definition of wealthy.

"All from our pack?" Max asked as he slipped into the passengers seat. Malikia skimmed the list again then nodded.

"So who is next?" I asked once Malikia handed off the list to Max.

"For girls its Harvella Camden." Max winced, before looking at the boys. "For guys its-" he started before looking at me. "Um."

"Its Eric isn't it." I sighed and leaned my head against the window.

"If you do it, and beat Vanessa, it will guarantee you a spot in the top 3" Malikia informed me, then began reversing out the parking space.

"We are kicking ass right now." Max smirked, "imagine that jar or cash being handed to you. 2,500 dollars. All you have to do is take 12 more suckers virginity, I have 13. Before they get their mates." See how low my life sunk?

I chuckled softly than ran my hands through my hair. "We got this far, no way in hell I am stopping here."


Hello(: Another small chapter for you lovelies. The last few weeks have been emotionally rough, and I am sorry for the late upload...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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