Death of a Good Girl (Prologue)

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"Asking you out, was the smartest thing I ever did." He looked up and gently touched my cheek. "The last thing I will do, is mess us up."

Standing here, my 16th birthday, watching the exact same person, make-out in my room, with my best-friend, is something that only happens in books. Yet, here I am. Those words, that lie he told me, was echoing around my head, almost tauntingly. I couldn't move. If I did I knew, my legs would fly from under me.

I grabbed the wall for support, and looked at my flats, tears falling onto my feet. Sadness, was such a weak emotion. It got you no where, but in a deeper hole then you were to begin with. My wolf stirred inside me, fueled with rage and sadness. I knew I had to keep her under control, but ripping Elise's throat out seemed like a appealing option at the time.

"Sharon?"  Eric's voice snapped me away from my thoughts, and I saw both of them were looking at me. "It isn't what it looks like" he trailed off, pushing Elise off of him. I narrowed my eyes then clenched my fist, trying to keep my anger under wraps.

"Save the crap for the birds." I spat, venom leaking from every word. I shot them both one last glare before turning to leave. My mascara was ruined, lip-gloss long gone.

I knew it. He wasn't the one. My wolf sighed in disappointment. We fall in love so quickly.

You can't decide your fate, there is a small chance he might end up our mate. I replied calmly, stomping down the stairs into the guest room.

Sharon, it wasn't what it looked like, I swear. Eric's voice came through the mind link. I almost smiled hearing his voice, but stopped myself. Instead of answering I cut him off and sighed.

I walked into the room and locked the door. I dragged my back against it, putting my face in my hands, but not crying. I thought I loved him. But emotions can be misleading. I thought, before I fell asleep quietly.


The only thing that came out of that night was death.

The death of a good girl.

No more Mrs. Nice Girl. She's dead.

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