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~*~Aphmau's POV~*~

I woke up by the singing of the birds. It was surely about noon, sunlight was shining through my window. I slept sooo good! I can't remember when I was sleeping this well last time. I was about to go out of bed, when someone's hand reached and grabbed me by the wrist, and pulled me back. "Stay with me a little bit more" it sounded like a baby voice: soft and quiet. I looked around me and saw Laurance by my side. "What in the name of Irene are you doing here why you be here what the why the what?!" I couldn't speak. He actually scared me. Laurance sat up and looked at me "I came last night" he said sleepy. I didn't know what to say. "We weren't..." Laurance widen his eyes and jumped out of bed "OF COURSE NOT APHMAU I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING TO YOU" he jelled in a baby voice. "Without you wanting it" he whispered the last part. I can't believe that he sneaked in my room, after me telling him not to. "Why are you blushing so much?" he asked smiling. I touched my cheeks: they were so hot. Ohhh no. Then there was a knock on the door. "YO Aphy, I heard a yell in here. Is everything all right? Your doors are locked so I can't go inside". That voice behind the doors definitely belongs to Travis. I glanced at Laurance "How did you came in last night?" I asked him whispering. He scratched the back of his head and pointed to the window. "Yea Travis I'm okay" I jelled. "Why did you came in my room when you saw that doors were locked?" I asked Laurance. He raised his shoulders up and down "I don't knoooow. You mad at me?" he asked rising his eyebrow, sadness in his voice. "Not really, just annoyed I think" I answered thinking about what exactly irritated me. "I Knew it!" he said squeezing his fist, and bringing it to his chest. "I am sorry for sneaking in again" he said lowering his head. I felt kinda sad when I saw him like that. "It's allright, just... don't do it again" I said smiling and gently hit him across the head."What was that fo--" he was cut of by Travis. "Aph, you gonna open the door?". Shut, I forgot about him. I looked towards the door. "There is no way for us to bring you out of the room, without Travis noticing it Laurance. What are we gonna do?". There was no answer so I turned back where Laurance was standing. But, expect that, I saw him standing literally on the window. I rushed to him "What are you thinking!" I said grabbing his wrist. He smiled "I'm just helping you out so you don't get in trouble because of me" he said and jumped out of the window. Next thing I heard was a loud thump. I looked down where Laurance jumped, and saw him laying on the grass, his arm over his forehead. "AAuchh" was the sound he let out. I quickly opened the doors, and Travis was still there. "Sorry it took me so long, I was... changing!" I said smiling. He smiled "Nahh, I would't mind seeing you--" I cut him off by slapping him across the face. "SHUT UP! You really are a pervert alien, jeez" I said crossing my arms. He put a hand oh the place where I slapped him "You punch pretty hard. Ouch! Anyways, have you seen lazybutt anywhere?" he asked looking all around my room. "Lazybutt?" I asked. He smiled "Laurance of course! I looked in his room and around the house, and I have no luck finding him. So I guessed that he is here". I really don't know what to say. "Ouchhh" Laurance let another groan, now louder. "Did you hear that? I think that that is coming from outside" Travis whispered and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. "Where are we going?" I asked while we were going down the stairs. "To find out who that was, clearly" he answered still whispering. We came behind the house, and there I saw how Laurance managed to climb up to my room. We walked closer to the tree, and Laurance was still laying on grass, all in cuts and not serious wounds. His clothes were all torn up, and his hair was messy. "Lazybutt, is that you?" Travis asked coming closer to him. Laurance raised his head a little, and when he realized that Travis was standing in front of him, he widen his eyes, and jumped up in sitting position. "Why hello there butthole!" he answered. "Why are you here?" Travis asked looking around the area. "Was here a fight or something?" he continued asking. Laurance stood up, and came to the tree "I was just climbing, and I fell "he said biting his lower lip. "Okayyyy, I'll go now because I promised that sassy lord that I'll help with breakfast. Chao!" he said and ran away. In the meantime, Laurance sat down and leaned on the tree, I sat beside him. "You really damaged yourself" I said realizing how scratched his arms were. "Well, nothing really. I'm use to it, so whatever" he said, but I could hear the pain in his voice. I felt bad: he did this for me. I couldn't fell irresponsible. "Can I help?" I asked looking up to his face. Even when we were sitting, he was still taller than me. He smiled, that he softly putted his lips on mine. "Now I fell better".

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