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Laurance and I held hands all the way to Travis's house. "Aphmau, you are here!I was so worried about you!" I heard someone screaming and then realized that that is Katelyn running towards me through the front door. She bumped in me, and hugged me tight. "Travis told me everything, I am really glad to see you again". she cried the tears of happiness.I hugged her back. "Are you all right? You seem tired and thorn" she said looking me from toes to head. "I'm fine, Laurance helped me" I said smiling. "You guys fought that thing together?" Katelyn asked looking at Laurance. I turned my head and gave him a stare that sad him no to talk about the kiss. He nodded and smiled "It was hard, but we did it together"."That is awesome to hear! Do you want to rest first or to plan things for leaving?" I was really tired so "Can we rest firs Katelyn?". "Of corse! You two to bed right now, and I am gonna speak whit Travis for a bit"."Got it" I said and walked in house. Laurance was right behind me, but didn't say anything until the point where we were at our doors. "Good night Laurance" I said and opened my door. "Nice dreams my lo-Aph" he said and I heard a doors close. I lay down on my bed and the first thing that came to my mind was me kissing Laurance. Do I really love him? I do like him, but is the love a bit strong word? Ahhhh stop it Aphmau, you are just making it worse! And then, it came: Garroth. The thought of him being stuck in another dimension whit Zane. Ughhh... I wish he is not there, but here whit us. I just want this stupid trip to Pikaro to end so I can get him out of there."Can't sleep?" I heard a voice that I know pretty well: Laurance. "Not really" I said and moved in sitting position, my blanked over my legs."I couldn't either" he said and sat on my bed, turning to me. "Why did you come here? You know that Katelyn is gonna kill you if she finds out" I said giggling. "Heh, I know. But I am taking a risk. She is too overprotective whit you Aph" he said and took my hands into his."Yeah I know. But she is my best friend, and she doesn't like when you are sneaking up in my room" I said and smiled. "Do you know how happy it makes me when I see you smiling" he said and put cowlick that was on my face behind my ear. "Stop playing whit my hair" I said and pushed his hand, and he puts it on mine again. "Aph, I really want to know: what was that tonight?" I knew exactly that he is talking about the kiss. Ohh crud. "I don't know Laurance" I said and lowered my head. He lift it up, so I was looking in his eyes "If you don't walk to talk about it, just tell me. I won't force you to speak whit me about stuff you are not comfortable whit" he said and smiled at me. "Thank you Laurance, but it's not that. I am not avoiding that conversation, it's just...I don't know" I said and looked down at our hand. I am happy whit him. "I just don't think it's a right time for us. I want to know more about myself before I came in relationship whit someone". Laurance came closer to my face. "I have all the time in the world. And if i have to wait my whole life, I'll wait for you" he leaned in for a kiss." Aphmau are you awak- LAURANCE WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Katelyn came in our room whit angry look on her face. Laurance got off my bed and started to walk backward, until he hit the wall."Ohhh no Irene help" I heard him whisper."Katelyn it is not what it looks like" he said trying to calm Katelyn down. She looked at me, and then in Laurance. "Really? Because it looked like you were about to make out whit Aphmau!!" she screamed. I blushed and tried to help "No, we were just talking" I said and looked to Laurance who nodded. "I wound never make out whit him" that flew out of my mouth. "I know you wouldn't but Lau-" she was cut off by Travis "I heard yelling, what is going oo~~on" he sang the last part. "Laurance, that is what is going on" Katelyn said looking at Travis. I looked to Laurance who was confused as I was. "Kate, calm down. They were just talking I bet. You can't have Aphy just for yourself" he said and hugged Katelyn. The second didn't past, and Travis was on a floor, his hand over his head. "I knew that was a bad idea" he muttered. "Don't EVER call me Kate again. Now Laurance, get off m eyes before I change my mind and you end up on a floor whit Travis" she said looking at Laurance as if she wanted to kill him. "Okay I'm going" he said and ran through the door, and Travis crawled behind him. When they both were out of our room, Katelyn closed the door."You and me nee to talk young lady" Katelyn said and crossed her arms. Ohh no... 

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