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~*~Aphmau's POV~*~

I transformed back to my normal self, and Laurance did too. He no longer had a wound on his shoulder. "How?" I asked smiling and put my hand on that place where wound was. "Magic?" he said and gave me a big smile. "Shall we head to Travis's house?" he asked extending his hand towards me. "Yea" I tried to walk, but I failed. "Ouch!". "You okay Aph? Want me to carry you?" Laurance asked me looking in my eyes. "Stop whit that! I can take care of myself....in most of situations at least" I said crossing my arms. "I don't want to hear it. You are really exhausted and you can't even walk". He was right, but I need to learn to do stuff by myself. "I am walking alone Lau-" he cut me off by putting his finger on my mouth. "Sush, I know you want me to" he said smirking. I moved his finger "Okay, just this time" I said and he smiled, picking me up bridal stile.

~*~Laurance's POV~*~

We are walking for quite a while now. I mean, I am carrying Aph, but again, it looked like a couple of minutes when I walked here to safe her. Thought, that is not the only think that is in my mind right now: Aphmau kissed me back. Does she like me? "Laurance, can I ask you something" I looked down and saw Aph blushing. "Yea sure" I smiled. "Why.. why did you kiss me back there? Did you know that is the only way?". I was surprised by this question. "Why didn't you pull away?" I asked her smirking. "Don't you sir turn this om me! Answer me" she said blushing even more. "Because I love you. And I kinda knew that the demons don't really like love. So why didn't you pull away? I was expecting you to". "You expected me to pull away and you still did it?" she asked smiling and put her hands over her mouth."Of course! I love you, and a man can try, right?" I winked at her. She just blushed and closed her eyes. "You know, it's not that hard to say: I love you, or at least: I like you... if you really feel it" I said leaning in to her face. "Stop it mister Cassanova of Meteli" she said and opened her eyes, pushing my head back up. "Always was, always will be" I said and smiled. "Just so you know, I am mad at you" I said frowning. I am not that mad, but the fact that she didn't told me about fighting a demon.. "Why?". "You kept a secret from me. You have never done that before" I said making a sad face. "Are you gonna be mad at me if I kiss you?" she said.That was a first. I looked down at her, and a great idea came to me. "No!" I said smirking. "You don't want me to kiss you? Are you Laurance?" she asked, I could see that she is very puzzled."I am, I just can't forgive you..." I started. Aphmau looked at me as I was an alien." ...one kiss is not enough!". "You sneaky little -" I cut her off by a kiss. "You don't want to finish that sentence" I said playing whit her hear. "Don't think I won't hit you" she looked me straight in the eyes. "I don't think. I KNOW you aren't gonna hit me" I said and tried to kiss her forehead but she stopped me." I AM gonna hit you if you continue being annoying". "You two are back! Good!" I looked in front of me and saw Travis running toward us. "Yes, and we defeated that coward" Aphmau said and jumped off my arms. "I knew you can do it Aph" Travis said and hugged Aphmau." I didn't do it alone. Laurance helped me" she said cheerfully."Can I get a hug?" I asked and spread my hands. "No" Travis and Aph said in the same time, still hugging. "Pfff, I ain't care, I am coming for a group hug!" I said and ran in them, hugging them both. "Okay, enough of that, let's go inside and plan an escape rout for you guys" Travis said and walked toward the house. "Where are we going again" I asked Aphmau smiling. "To Pikaro, you forgetful head" she said and punched me. "Ouch! Okay, I guess I deserve that" I said smiling."Let's go!" Aphmau said, and I walked right by her side. I decided to take a shot.I walked really near Aphmau, and my hand slipped in her. She looked to our hands, than to me, and smiled. This is the most beautiful feeling in the world...

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