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" Heee is wit-th me" Tonya said slurring her words while walking to the stare case barley mobile to stand. yet she still looked absolutely stunning.

" Yes i'm with her" he clarified. 

" well i'm going to have to ask you to leave i need to speak with tonya here" i said while walking him to the door. i didn't bother to ask his name cause it wasn't my concern , i just wanted him out of my house.

" HEYYY, what are you doing. he is with me !!!" Tonya let out angry. she has no clue how drunk she was and it was starting to annoy me. besides, ain't no one's getting dicked down in my house unless its from MY strap. 

I ignored tonyas blaring and continued to get this man out my house. He put up a fight but not good enough to break down my guard. 

" you know i don't understand why your cock blocking mem, its so , so uhhh " 

I looked at her stupid as she stood there literally lost for words. suddenly she bolted to the bathroom and emptied  her stomach into the toilet. I shook my head. its been hours since she left I personally have been waiting ever since i got done with  "Bea". Ill admit ,  i hit it and made her leave but she wasn't really here for a session anyway so its whatever, i have needs just like anyone else.

I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water and some medicine. tonyas gags could still be heard as i made my way to the bathroom. As serious as this is i couldn't help but giggle at the sight of tonya helplessly drunk. you could obviously tell she either doesnt drink alot or is a light weight. my prediction is both but hey you never know. 

 sitting the glass on the table i reach over and pull her hair up into a bun, struggling in the process because her hair was so thick. she soon stopped and i gave her a wet rag to wipe her face and her toothbrush. lord knows i don't need to be smelling that while she talks to me, because ill need some explaining from her sooner or later. 

"drink this up and take the medicine when your done"  i said sincerely .

" yes mom" she snarled.

 i smiled in content . i really wanted to say " nah its daddy" but it wasn't the right time to joke around.

i walked to the kitchen and sat on the island chair. i honestly thought it was funny how she thought she would get away with bringing some nigga in my house, crazy shit is that i knew him now that i look back at it. I use to train his son for weightlifting. He was also a drug dealer , reason being that he tried to pay his sons sessions with a teenager of High-dro.

" Are you hungry" i hear mem say as she walks through the kitchen looking tired as ever. 

" nah im not hungry but we need to talk."

Sorry for the late update life is busy right now so if you want to contact me hit my Kik up @jazzy2279. Or snap me @Jazzminekay

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