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Tanya continued to have ahold of me. Hugging me for what seemed like forever. She pulled aways and wet tears blurred her vision. I felt bad for making her cry. Even if it wasnt on a purpose basis.

"Stop crying im starting to feel bad"

She sniffled and dried her face, washing her hands right after.

"Sorry about that".

I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"So uhh tanya? What are you cooking exactly ?"

I stared down at the pink raw chopped meat..

"Ima just throwing stuff together for some burritos. Im sorry about all the meat. " she laughed lowly

"Buuut im making other veggitarian friendly foods to go with it."

"Cool cool" i siad as i watched tanya throw cut up pork , onion, choped potatos, and cilantro into the pan.

I cant lie that shit smelled good as hell. Had my mouth watering already. I decided to leave her to her cooking and clean up around the house. Not that theres much to clean after anyway. It was just something to do.

But before i even got a chance the door bell rang......


It was londa.

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