Ch. 4

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Mikeys pov.

I felt weight on my shoulder, I turned my head and saw Desire had fallen asleep. "She must have been more tired than she realized.." "Dez is down for the count." Raph told the others. "well yeah. being sick makes you tired that way your body can heal faster." "come on guys." the door opened and I turned to Dez. I picked her up bridal style. "this girl has no weight on her." "give her here genius before you drop her." I handed her over to Raph and went inside. Donny Leo and I set up one of the extra rooms to be hers. we made the bed up and Raph put her down on it. we left her to sleep and Master Splinter made her some of his healing tea. He went up with Donny to check her out.

Donnys pov.

Master Splinter and I am checking up on Desire again. I opened the door for him and he entered the room and set the teacup down next to the bed on the nightstand. I placed my hand on her forehead and blinked wondering how she could have a fever this high. "we must monitor her temperature. take it with the thermometer." I did as I was told and wrote down the temperature on a sheet of paper. 104°F. I saw movement under the blanket for an instant. "something's under the blanket sensei.." I pulled it back and Spike was sitting there next to her pillow. her hand was rested on his shell. "spike?" I wonder if Raph put him there.. I left him there, otherwise he would probably bite my finger off.. Master Splinter and I left Desire to sleep and went downstairs. Mikey was reading comic books on the couch with Leo watching Space heroes. I went into my lab and looked at the canister of mutagen that we brought home with us after Desire broke it. I didnt even look to see if any got on her.. and if it did it didnt hurt her. I checked the mutagen to see if it was stable. it turned out its as unstable as always.. I'm gonna have to watch Dez just to be on the safe side.

Desires pov.

I opened my eyes slowly smelling peppermint,chamomile and something I couldnt name. I turned my head to movement under the pillow. I pushed myself up on one elbow and lifted the pillow. "hello there mister turtle.. where did you come from?" he looked up at me. I turned my head back to the direction that smelled so amazing. I sat straight up and grabbed the teacup on the nightstand. I took a sip of the hot liquid. immediately I felt a million times better. I swung my legs off of the bed and got up. I walked over to the other side of the bed and grabbed the turtle and set out to find the bigger teenage turtles. I went out into the hall with the small turtle in my palm. "Raph?" I called out using my other hand. I heard talking and walked into the living room part of the lair. "hey guys I found this- ow!" I looked down at my hand and the turtle was hanging on my hand its jaw clamped down hard. "get off you little jerk!" I waved my hand trying to get him off. Mikey came over and tried to get his jaw to let go. "Leo. get Raph!" I tried flicking its head and it bit down harder. "mikey get it off!" "I'm trying Spike won't budge!" "what is going on!?" Raph ran through the doorway leo hot on his heels. "Spike won't let go!" Mikey yelled at him. Raph ran over to me and squeezed one of spikes legs. "Spike let go. now." he released and a trickle of blood came from the hole he bit into my hand. "I was looking all over for him. where was he?" "in bed with me. he was under my pillow. I was trying to find you guys to tell you there was a turtle in the lair.. but then he bit me and wouldn't let go." Donny was looking over my hand. "well good thing is it isnt deep. we should bandage it up a little to keep it from becoming infected. "what is going on out here?!" Splinter came out of his room. "a little bit of mini turtle trouble.. no biggie." mikey said looking right at spike. "I see. Desire? are you feeling any better?" "yeah a bit.. thank you for the tea Sensei." "it is no trouble my dear." he came over and felt my forehead again. "you still have a fever. you should go get more rest once you get your hand bandaged. "I really don't want to go lay back down. I'm not one for sitting still while I'm sick.." "well if you don't want to rest you can watch the boys train." "that is a-okay with me." Donny finished bandaging my hand from my knuckles to my wrist. the skin where Spike bit me was really itchy. I kneeled next to Master splinter and watched the boys fight in pairs. Leo against Mikey Donny against Raph. "how often do they train?" I asked quietly. "four times a week. it really depends on their attitudes." I nodded. out of nowhere I heard one of the boys phones go off. "hey april. how are finals going?" Don stopped everything and totally left the room. "boys! you can be finished for the day. take your brothers departure as a reason to train double tonight." I looked at master splinter then to the others. "do you think I could train later too?" "I do not think-" "please sensei? its killing me sitting around doing nothing while I heal.. besides.. if I don't think I can handle it I'll sit out." I pleaded with him. "alright. but I you have trouble, I'm pulling you out of the exercise." "yes sensei." I got up and bowed excusing myself.

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