The beach, part 2

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so who liked the last chap?If u did, ur gonna love part 2. So keep reading!



"Ur pregnant!?!?!?!?!"

Back to the story


He screamed it. He really screame dit out loud. Suddenly everyone erupts into cheers except Juvia, who is imagining herself with Gray and a family... The guild members start telling me "Congrats", "New family member" even "Asuka's gonna have a cousin!". I giggle and remained red the whole day.We swim, have fun and i even got to judge some competitions with Juvia and Erza.

"Next theme! Fastest Drinker! u must drink 3 whole barrels of whiskey and finish first to win.".Cana's got this in the the competitors were; Cana, Natsu, Gray, Sting, Gajeel and strange enough Wendy...I materialize a mini bell and hit it with a stick to mark the start.

In about 2 minutes of drinking the winner is announced.

"Winner is WENDY!!!!!second place goes to Cana, third goes to Sting."how did Wendy win against Cana!? the poor girl gets drunk after a cup of wine for crying out loud. I review the video that we made and it looked like Cana lost by about 2 seconds, being beaten by Wendy.

I get out a mini reward for Wendy but when i look at her, she's out cold... Makes sense now...I give the reward to Cana instead, who ins't the least bit drunk yet. I decide to participate in the next competition...sand sculpture building!!! I enter it with Rogue and Frosch since they were already building castles.

I huddled up with my team."so we have 1 hour to build the best sandsculpture ever! lets make another Frosch."They both nod and get to work while i get some water from the ocean.

I look at the other teams, There was team 1, Natsu, Lucy and Happy, team 2 was Gray and Juvia. Team 3 was Levy, Gajeel and Pantherlily. Team 4 was me, Rogue and Frosch and team 5 was Yukino and Sting. i saw all of the team,s statues fall over at least once during the hour and ours looked awesome.

"TIMES UP!" We all lift our arms into the air and back away from our statues. I see A few people i don't know look at our statues in awe as Erza determines the winners.

"the winner is.......Team ....Whoops there a tie....












team 2 and 5!!!!!!"

Aww.....Our sandsculpture of Frosch is dare she....Rogue suddenly grabs my arm to make sure I don't go on a rampage like a few weeks ago.


At the guild hall...

Rogue's POV

I was currently hiding in the shadows as we all had a drinking contest. Of course i didn't want anything to do with it considering last time...Y/N was the last one still standing with Sting while they were still drnking like hell.

"LOSE U *** F***** BASTARD!!!!!!!"


and with that they both chugged down another barrel and grabbed another.

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