WTF is going on!?!?

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it was day 4 and its a little later that kinda gonna explain that dream u had but im not very good at describing very good so its up to u to imagine sone crazy fucked up shit that could kill u in ur dreams so have fun^_^!!!!! Who doesnt want to imagine some life threatning shit going on in their heads!? now onto the story. this is an exciting moment for u but very scary too. Enjoy!


*Rogue's POV*

Its about 3 O'clock now. she's been unconscious for about 2 and a half hours now. I feel like i should be doing something other then waiting for her.I wonder whats going on in her mind right now.

*Y/N's Dreamland.Y/N's POV*

Why does my mind hate me sooooooo much!!!! im currently running from a huge monster that i dont know what is. Soooooooo Scary!!!!!!!Someone help me!!!!!The monster suddenly disappears like a poof!

Y/N: finally. it feels like i've been being chased forever now.

???: ROOAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!

Y/N: and back to running again....

i get up and keep running in the opposite direction away from the loud noises....

(i leave the scary beast chase to Reader-Chan's creative memory to imagine. have fun!)

*Rogue's POV*

I hear her shake alot. it must be a nightmare. I hold her hand and it immediately calms her down and she stops shaking so much.

Rogue: you'll be fine. im here for u now.

Sting was with me for a while because when i got backt to the stands with an unconscious Y/N in my arms, everyone got really worried so me and Sting are with her now.

Sting: whoa...Its like ur touch is calming her down...Thats strange bro.

Rogue: im just doing this by instinct Sting.

Sting: oh...Well i left Orga and Rufus in charge so i think im gonna rush back over to the stand before they start fighting.

Sting runs out the room. I get his worrying but still. He is just so dense.... He just doesnt realize anything easily.

*Y/N's POV again*

i finally lost the beast but a few minutes earlier, i felt a strange feeling in my hand. It was like a calming warmth. The kind someone could give u by holding the hand of the one u loved. The feeling is still there and hasn't faded a bit. i really hope none of this is my memories coming back. i still look like im 7 or 8 and my cloths look ripped but it seems pretty real. So many wolves, beasts and bears......

I walk forward because honestly, who walks towards some beasts that were just chasing u. i see a familiar sign i've seen so many times.''WELCOME TO MAGNOLIA''Magnolia? how am i here.... i lok at my left and see a man with a cape. is that Gildarts? i suddenly feel light headed and i fall over.

*Rogue's POV*

My attention suddenly shifts over to Y/N moving around alot more then before. Her eyelids are slowly moving too. She opens them at full force.


Rogue: whoa calm down Y/N. We are just in the infirmary. Do u remember the reason u blacked out,

Y/N: i remember the first time i saw Magnolia, and why i ended up in Fairy Tail but nothing really important before that. I never want to experience that ever again.

I Bring her loser to me and i hug her tightly.

Rogue: dont worry. Im here now.

She looks up to me and smiles. i wipe the tears away from her eyes. Whatever she experienced in that state must have been scary. 

The shadow's interest( rogue cheney x reader)Where stories live. Discover now