Chapter 3: Blame Game

Start from the beginning

"No ugh that came out wrong. I think I'm in the wrong present?" 

I raised my eyebrows. 

"You probably think I'm crazy." 

"Not crazy just I don't understand." 

"Listen to me Ginny," he cupped my cheek and brought me closer to him. 

"This isn't right. I wasn't supposed to be dating Cho and you weren't supposed to be with Dean. Hermione isn't supposed to be with Malfoy and Ron isn't supposed to be with Lavender. It's all backwards. It's wrong."

"I know. That's why we broke up with them."

"Listen to me, yesterday I had this really strange dream. I was a baby. I was in my crib. My mother was crying and someone shot a spell at her and she fell before me. She died right in front of me. Then the person who was cloaked tried to kill me too. But it didn't work. I got a scar on my forehead." 

"Your mother is alive though... and you have no scar." I said to him. 

"I know! I feel like its a sign or something."

"A sign for what?"

"Don't you see?" 

"Somebody did something Ginny. Don't you care?"

"I don't know."

"Has anything like this happened to you?"

"Well.... I've had these strange deja vu moments that I just shook off. One of them was this really big museum and we were standing in front of it. It felt as if were trying to look for something. like..."

"A ring." he finished off. 

"How did you know?"

"I had the same thought."

"Oh my god! You understand then." I said hugging him tightly. 

"I thought I was mental or something. I'm so glad you can relate." A few moments passed as I inhaled his minty scent. 


"Yeah?" I asked him taking a deep breath. 

"Are you smelling me?" 

"Ew what no? Get away from me. Don't be so conceited Harry." I gently pushed him away as my cheeks flared up. 



"Anyways, what are we supposed to do about it?" he asked me. 

"Well I reckon its about this ring. So maybe we should go to the one person who knows everything."

"Yeah but she won't get it will she?"

"Only one way to find out."


"HERMIONE!" I yelled. 

"I'm over here!" she said, we followed her voice in the corner of the library. She practically lives here.

"We need your help." I looked at Harry anxiously. She looked at both of us and thought for a moment. 

"You guys are finally dating and now need me to help you sneak around because of Ron?" she asked casually. 

"What? No!" 

"Oh... awkward."

"Um okay so well you see-"

"My parents are supposed to be dead. Dumbledore is supposed to be the headmaster. You're not supposed to be with Malfoy."

"Excuse me? Your parents are very much alive. Dumbledore hasn't even thought about being the headmaster because we've already got Professor McGonagall. And don't tell me who I'm not supposed to like." she stated. 

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