Ch. 33 (PG-13): The Wingate Family and Friends Four Years Later in 1831

Start from the beginning

Anna is now delightfully shed of her governess Miss Page of the past five years--an accomplished, but somewhat dry woman who has moved on to another charge in the North of England.  So Anna is often in Town [(3)] and is a regular at court with her Papa Lord Rafe and her Mama Lady Katharine--Baroness Anna being a special friend of the now Queen Adelaide's younger niece, the now twelve year old Princess Victoria.  Anna has been welcomed into various social circles beyond the intimate inner circle of their family and close friends.  So Lord Rafe and Lady Katharine and their parents feel confident that hosting a coming out ball for Anna will be a success.


Lord Rafe [(4) right] at now thirty-three years old is father to several children--the now four year old twins Lady Aurora Cassandra named after Lady Katharine's lifelong friend Mrs. Cassandra Hatch, and Lord Richard Collin Wingate named after his Papa's lifelong friend Sir Collin MacGregor, were joined two years later by the now two year old Lord Edward Bennett Wingate.  And Lord Rafe is now well versed in the duties that are incumbent upon a father--patience, forebearance, beneficence, and humility.   

And a vibrantly beautiful now 23 year old Lady Katharine [(5) right] keeps a watchful Mama's eye on her growing brood of children--with the help of several  trusted nannies. And Lady Katharine had intimated most strongly to her husband after baby Edward's birth that she needed a rest from child bearing to focus on child rearing.  And Lord Rafe acquiesced now that the Wingate legacy is so firmly secure with an heir and a spare--their romance and love life have ever deepened during these four years. 

Lord Rafe is hard pressed to maintain a stern countenance for long when his rambunctious and charming offspring are in his presence.  He is a besotted man five times over--deeply in love with his charming wife and their four adorable children.   But having a now sixteen year old young lady in the person of their daughter Anna, will quite test Lord Rafe's mettle as she has her coming out ball this fine Spring season of 1831. 

There are several young men of the Wingate's acquaintance who pay their attentions to Anna--including David Harriott.  But her heart still belongs to Stuart MacGregor--for now.  However, Stuart had developed additional lady interests during his final year of university studies last year and the irregularity of his written correspondence to Anna via her Papa Lord Rafe was keenly felt.  Stuart's inattention currently derails Anna's regard for him and she forlornly accepts her parents wish that she meet other men in case she finds someone else to her liking. 

The afternoon before her friend Lady Marjorie Fotheringay's coming out ball that evening, Anna sits on the window seat in the parlor of the Wingate's London townhouse, gazing forlornly out at the garden, but not seeing its beauty.  Lord Rafe walks into the parlor and notices his daughter's less than her usually cheerful state.

Lord Rafe:  "Anna Dear, why are you looking so sad?"  He touches her cheek caringly as she turns to look up at him.  "Did you not receive your letters today?"

Anna:  "I did Papa.  But ...  Hhhh!"  She sighs in disappointment.

Lord Rafe:  "But?"  He urges her to continue.

Anna:  "Stuart's letter was very short."  She huffs.

Lord Rafe: "I see.  Well, finishing his studies took precedence.  And now Stuart is quite busy at the Royal Military Academy as a new cadet." [(6)]

Anna: "I know!"  She sighs heavily again. With Anna at sixteen years old, her life is high melodrama--whether others see it that way or not   "It's just that he writes to me like he always has--telling me where he is going and who he is seeing."  She frowns at that last bit.

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