Chapter 11

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(Chevy's P.o.v.)

So I'm gonna show Luke around my town. I already warned him about my sister. So I got the dogs and ran them out to the truck and got in my 1979 Chevy truck. The dogs were all over Luke. I told him he could take his truck, but he insisted. We drove to Sylacauga. Once we got there we went to my dad's.

When we got there Staci comes running to me but sees Luke and detours to him. She hugs him while he tries not to laugh at her and I'm laughing so hard I'm about to fall over.

"So wow I see how it is Luke is more important than your sister who you haven't see for like 2 years." I said with a smirk. She just flipped me off and went into fangirl mode.

"Chevy need me to get anything" he asked trying to ignore the fact that Staci was gazing at him watching his every move and following him around.

" yeah can you get one of the dogs " I said.

When he went by me I grabbed Staci's arm and jerked her back.

"He will be mine so back off" I whisper yelled.

"Ooh kitty got claws" Staci said. I just rolled my eyes and got Cola and Rosco. Luke got bullet. I walked up the steps.

"I'll be right back" I said and ran inside to see my dad and warn him of Luke.

"Hey old man" I said he turned around and ran over to me bringing me into a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you" I said holding back tears.

"I missed you too sweet heart."

"So Luke Bryan is here. Please watch Staci she is all over him."

"Okay I will" he said chuckling.

After that we walked back outside and I introduced dad to Luke.

"Nice to meet you sir" Luke said shaking my dad's hand.

"Nice to meet you too" my dad said.

We walked inside and then we had lunch at the small town diner. After that I said I wanted to show Luke around and my dad held Staci back because she kept trying to go with us.

"So sorry about my sister. She is even worse then I thought she was gonna be"

"It's fine darlin. I've had way worse."

"Wait there's fans crazier than her!?"

"Yeah but they are all sweethearts"

"And that's why everybody loves you you are a caring and wonderful human" I said.

"Ooh that's the water tower I would always go up there when I needed space or got mad. I would just go up there and watch the sunset and sometimes look at the stars." I said pointing to our water tower.

"And that's the highschool with the football field."

"There's not much but I love my small town Sylacauga."

"I love this place almost as much as Leesburg" Luke said.

"Yeah, so we should probably stop and get stuff we need at Walmart. The dogs are with my dad so they should be fine."

"Okay lets go" he replied.

*once they got to Walmart*

"Okay so I need shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, curling iron, body wash, toothpaste, tooth brush, mouthwash, floss, lotion, some sweat pants, contact solution, a notebook, some pens, towels, and a CAMO blanket." I said naming some of the things I need.

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