First up L

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1.Tell him that kira won and that he is a disgrace to the world.

(Effectiveness: he didn't believe me.......I'm sad now (ಥ_ಥ))

2.steal all his sweets and hide them away were he will never find them, Then if he asks say "they grew legs and are now planning a rebellion"

(Effectiveness:....dead........on second thought don't do this, unless your like me and can never die)

3.plan a candy rebellion..........yup....

(effectiveness:.....again....never mess with L's love for sweets)

4.bring him a therapist to explain to him that he needs to learn to love humans and not candy.

(Effectiveness: he lectured me about how she could have been a "spy" who is searching for him..........he didn't deny it)

5.create a sign that says "RYUZAKI+LIGHT ARE NOW A THING GET YOUR PIC'S FOR ONLY TEN DOLLARS" and post them everywhere........EVERYWHERE!

(effectiveness:He left the country and never came back........more cookies for me (ಠuಠ)

6.poke him..............and never stop (effectiveness: he broke my poor finger.......poor index-senpai he was so young ( •︵•。 )

7.reveal his real name to the world.

(Effectiveness: never came out of his room...........I feel like I'm being watched...........oh w- *I'm truly sorry but it seems that cookie-san is not here at the moment, so please enjoy this complementary waffle (O.O)尸*

8.ask him stupid questions and at the end say "I don't get it"

(effectiveness: said I should bother light, but that's for another time (¬‿¬)

9.don't let him finish his sentences, example:

L:and that conclu-


L:.......anyway before I was inte-

Cookie-senpai: POISONING PIGEONS IN THE PARK I was saying, light y-


L: *is already out the door*

Cookie-senpai: liiiiiiiggghhhhtttt? *leaves*

(Effectiveness: I'm lonely.......TwT)

And finally..............10!!!!! Scream in his ear every time his eating,about to solve a case, ect
(effectiveness: do you want a black eye? Yeah...... me neither......)

*AND that there no THERE NONONONO THEREEEE is my first ever actual chapter. So if its bad blame my still broken index finger (╥﹏╥) well I hope you liked it! Maybe I'll continue depends how strong my laziness truly is......well thanks for reading (10 ways to annoy death note characters) may the cookie compel you 🍪🍪🍪*

NEXT UP: LIGHT because without him this world would be........dark (・ัω・ั )

Random message: L is sweetexual LONG LIVE SWEETS 🍬🍭🍮🍩🍪🍫

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