"Don't be so sure." I said gritting my teeth as I slammed his face into a tree. He had a bruise under his eye that began to instantly heal. I looked at him open mouthed.

"I told you." He said still tensed.

"How many powers do you have?" I asked him disgustedly.

"Just the metal and healing, it doesn't matter. This has nothing to do with powers or mutants this has to do with the way I feel about you."

"...I'm sorry." I said releasing my grip on him.

"It's okay, you're angry. Its natural." He got off the ground. "But i'm telling you the truth Alix, I care about you a lot." He said walking up to me. A part of me still didn't believe him but more of me did. "Come on, let's go back." He reached for my hand and we walked back to the mansion.

"How long have you... you know." I asked him referring to his abilities.

"I'm actually not sure I don't remember any of my life beforehand." He admitted. We walked into the school and Charles opened the door again.

"Feeling better?" He asked me as we returned. I didn't respond. I noticed another older man next to him.

"Who's he?" I asked.

"My counterpart, Eric." he introduced.

"And what can he do?"

"More than you can imagine." The gray haired man responded for Charles with a smirk.

"Eric is able to-" Charles was cut off as Eric looked over at him. "My apologies, Magneto, is able to create and manipulate magnetic fields as well as reform metal."

I paused for a second. "What is the point of all this? Of this school?

"To teach young mutants like yourselves to control your powers and coexist peacefully with humanity." He responded.

"You know that will never happen I don't know why you always-" Magneto was cut off by Charles who put up a hand. 

"Can we just" he looked over at Magneto and then continued "as i was saying, i've come to your house on multiple occasions in the past to try and convince your mother to let you come to my school, she wouldn't let us speak to you. She was very hard headed, believing only what she wanted to. All this talk about the devil and sinning, she believed you were sick and had to be healed by God alone which is the reasoning for her unethical forms of religious punishment."

"How do you even know all of this?" I asked.

"You think it is only current thoughts that I can access?" He asked intently. There was a short silence. How much of me could he read? What else did he know about me? The professor looked at Scott as if he was examining his mind. He looked like he had seen something uncomfortable.

"What is it? What do you see?" Asked Scott impatiently wanting to know.

The professor stayed quiet for a few seconds and then spoke. "Nothing. The majority of your past mind is completely blank." He made eye contact with Scott. "Someone has erased your memory."


The classes at Professor Xavier's school weren't like regular high school classes. These classes were meant to teach us the difference between those who use their powers for selfish or destructive means and those who want to live in harmony with the rest of the world.

"I want your reports on the meanings of right and wrong on my desk first thing tomorrow morning. We will finish this next class." Stated the professor as the students began to collect their belongings. They walked out into the hallway and shut the door.

A shorter dark haired girl ran through the closed door as if it was still open.

"Forget something?" the professor asked as he held out her book bag.

"Thank you." she said as she reached for it and walked back through the doors once more.


I woke up from my bed in my old room and looked around. I stretched for a second and then gradually rose up.

"Alix?" I heard my mothers voice from downstairs. I got off of my bed and began to follow the voice.

"ALIX!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. When I reached her she was held up against the wall by knives and scissors and all of the sharp objects i had telekinetically impaled her with when she tried to kill me. I felt the same stir of emotion that I did the day it happened and I began to scream. The house shook and windows were cracking. The house began to fall apart all over again until I woke up still screaming.

When I woke up Scott was on top of me trying to wake me up.

"Alix wake up!" He said repeatedly as he shook me. I came back to consciousnesses and gasped. I looked around the room and saw broken glass and cracks in the walls.

"What happened are you okay?" He asked me worriedly. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath. The hallway light went on and some of the classmates gathered around to see what had happened.

"Yeah." I looked around once more. "I'm so sorry." I said as I hurried out of the room. I ran outside and sat on the bench crying. The professor slowly made his way up to me and I wiped my face.

"That was quite a display of power back there." He said with concern in his voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I was having a nightmare."

"Nightmare? Of what?" He paid attention closely.

"It was the moment of my mother's death right before Scott took me out of the house and brought me here."

"I see. That's a very unfortunate situation. I'm sorry." He said but i couldn't tell if he meant the nightmares or the actual incident of my mothers death.

"I feel like there's this dark power inside me. It's like a fire and it's growing."

"It was just a dream Alix." He put his hand on my shoulder in attempt to comfort me.

"No you don't know what it's like to be trapped inside your own head, to be afraid to shut your eyes." I confided in him. I felt a very subtle vibration bouncing back and forth in my head. Was he reading my thoughts? Is this what it felt like?

"You have more power than you can imagine Alix. The question is will you control that power, or let it control you?"

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