"Yes they are. You're meeting a boy there aren't you? Another sinner." She judged as she violently chopped up a bundle of carrots.

"So what if I do there's nothing wrong with that." I replied.

"Yes there is, it is a sin by the curse of the devil. He's going to take you Alix, he's going to take you in his car up to the mountains in the wilderness. Boys are after the blood, sniffing and slobbering like dogs-" She pleaded chopping up the carrots louder and with more force before I interrupted her.

"No he's not mama he's a very nice boy. The other kids, they think I'm weird, but not him. I don't think he's even gay but he's nice to me and I like him." I told her.

She stabbed the knife into the cutting board forcefully. "Why must you say that word?" She yelled out flinching. She came over to me and clasped her hands together and began to kneel and pray indistinctly, I wasn't able to make out the words, only "curse" "sin" and "forgiveness". She got louder and louder.

"Mama stop it!" I yelled.

She walked out of the kitchen and opened the closet door. "Go to your closet." She told me.

"No mama, I won't." I said strongly.

"Go." She said with an ice cold look in her eyes.

"I said no." I replied as I stood up.

"Go to your closet and pray for forgiveness now!" She shouted at me.

"No mama, no, never again!" I screamed as furniture flew into the air. She screamed in fear and fell to her knees.

"Mama stand up." I told her with no response. "Mama stand up!" I repeated holding out my hand. She was raised off the floor and gasped.

"The devil's hand," She started again. "He's working his way through you."

"It has nothing to do with the devil, it's me. Mama it's inherited, it was passed down from grandma and it skipped a generation, I know you know that."

She consistently shook her head in disagreement. "I should have known you were a witch when you were born you screamed and the lights flashed like a demon child." She sobbed.

"Or maybe I inherited it from daddy."

"He gave me a cancer, I thought your daddy gave me cancer."

"Mama that's awful, don't say that!" I yelled flexing even harder. She was knocked around the room through the air. As she was being tossed around mid-air she cried out "You must renounce this power! You must give it up, you must never use it! The end days are coming!"

"Mama I don't want to fight with you." I said as she relentlessly prayed with her eyes shut tightly.

"I'm not like you mama, and I'm never gonna be like you. Things are gonna change around here. I'm going, and nothing's gonna stop me," I said as the furniture fell to the ground. I paused and said "and I don't want to talk about it anymore." I released my grasp on her.


I straightened my hair again, tweezed my eyebrows, and even wore a little bit of cover-up. I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up. I just wanted to look and feel good tonight. Around seven thirty Miranda and Ashton came to pick me up. Ashton beeped the horn signaling for me to come outside.

"Tell them you're sick. Tell them you can't go." Pleaded my mother.

"No mama, I'm going. Why can't you just be happy for me?" I turned around to look her in the eyes.

"Alix, baby, they're all going to laugh at you I told you." She begged as she cupped my face in her hands. I proceeded to walk downstairs.

"I'm going to have to tell them the truth about you, that you were born of sin." She followed me down the stairs to the door.

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