The Beckoning of Diablo

Start from the beginning

The kitchen now had transformed into a dark, ominous place, filled with the occasional flash of lightening. The cell phone light barely broke the darkness and with each flash of lightning it cast eerie shadows amongst the room.

"Mom," I called into the darkness. "You can use our cell phones as flashlights to help find the candles." No answer came back and it is too dark to see your hand in front of your face. "Hello, not funny." I out stretched my arms began to barely shuffle my feet. Lizzy and Tiffany tagged along side of me.

"Mom!" I yelled. The blue light from Tiffany's phone guided our way. We entered the living room and I could hear the opening of a drawer. The phone began to dim just as we reached the hall to the back bedrooms. I could see something; it had to be mother. Then Tiffany's phone went black.

"Shit! Hold on. Let me put my code back into my phone." Darkness hid the figure in front of us as it moved slowly closer and closer.

"Tiffany! Hurry up." Lizzy said clutched to my left arm, Tiffany on the right. "Do you see something?" she whispered so only I could hear.

"Yes." I said. "Come on Tiff," Lizzy and I were beginning to get tense. It sounded as if someone were dragging their feet. The figure is close now, towering over us.

"Where is your mom?" Lizzy asked barely making a whisper.

"Boo!" My mom shouted, tapping Tiffany on the back.

 We all screamed. Tiffany's phone went flying into the air as Lizzy jumped and landed on my foot. My face contorted with pain, and Lizzy awkwardly fell to the floor. Tiffany screamed and let out a couple of curse words. I could then hear her drop on her hands and knees, searching the dark for her phone. 

Dimly lit by the candle she held, Mother laughed as she watched us trying to gather ourselves. "Sorry Ladies, I couldn't resist" she snorted.

"Ha, Ha, you got us mom," I said sarcastically.

"Here Sam, take these back to your room but please be careful, we do not want to burn the house down."

I grabbed a candle, lit it, and headed to the kitchen. We grabbed our bags and went back to my room.

"Does your mom actually know what we are going to do tonight?" asked Lizzy, she always wanted an approval of some sort.

"No," but she doesn't need to know either. I walked over to my desk and sat down.

"Did y'all see that shadow in the hall back there?" Tiffany asked in a worried voice. The incident still had her shaken up. "Yes, it could have been my mother sneaking up behind us though." I said, trying to make sense of things. "Maybe you're right, but still something didn't feel right," Tiffany said.

"The storm just has you worked up," Lizzy explained, she always liked to make sense of things.

"She did scare the hell out of us," Lizzy said.

"Well if we play with this, Ouija thing, I still want to be able to sleep!" Tiffany spoke gesturing towards Lizzy bag. She obviously didn't like the idea of "Summoning Spirits".

We talked as the storm raged on outside. With candles now lighting the room we began to discuss the plans for tonight. I couldn't wait to get started; this night would hopefully provide the answers I have been longing for.

"OK, how does this work?" I asked, as Lizzy pulled the Ouija Board out of her bag.

"Not too sure, I have only used it once before, on last Halloween," She stated, examining the box. "Let me grab the scary book I bought from that creepy witch shop." I got up and moved over to my bed, picked through my bag, seized the book. I flopped down next to Tiffany. The pictures in this book were morbid; this is what nightmares were made of.

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