Chapter 1

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*Teagan's POV*

I'd never been one to stand out. With the family that I grew up in, how could I? My older brother, Emerson, was a star athlete, and is currently the starting quarterback for the New England Patriots. It was quite the scandal when he kicked Tom Brady out of that position.

Then you've got my older sister, Reese Tyler, who just so happens to be an award winning singer and apparently actress. She pretty much has every star quality talent you could think of. Singing, acting, dancing, modeling. Everything. 

As I said before, I've never been one to stand out. I don't mean I fail to stand out simply because my siblings have both managed to make it big while I haven't. I mean that I was always 'that' girl. The one who was shy. I didn't talk much. Don't get me wrong, I had my fair share of friends. I wasn't the loner girl with problems. I was just... shy. 

Growing through high school wasn't a horrible time for me. While Emerson and Reese each stole the spotlight during their four years, I managed to scoot by undetected. It baffled my siblings as to how I could get through school without being the 'it' person, but I was content. I was happy to be known as 'the other Tyler'.

It all changed once my siblings turned into superstars. Emerson becoming one of the most well-known athletes in America skyrocketed my family's fame - mostly due to the Tyler vs. Brady showdown. When Reese signed with Interscope Records straight out of high school, let's just say the publicity was nonstop.

It seemed that the Tyler family was destined to be lucky, seeing as the year I graduated high school, my father bought his very first lottery ticket, and won our family 550 million dollars. Within only a couple of years the Tyler family became the most famous family in America. And throughout this entire thing, I'd stayed hidden from the world.

When I graduated, I got my 5 seconds of fame. Everyone turned to the final child, seeing what I would choose to be. I had the world at my fingertips. I could do or be anything I wanted. The first woman president? Another singer? A television star? The fame ended when the world discovered that I had decided to go to college to major in psychology. I was called the disappointment. The one that could have been great, but wasn't. I dropped out of college after a year. I guess it just wasn't for me?

Ever since then I've been stuck in Los Angeles, doing freelance photography. People see my pictures, decide they like the images I've captured and buy them. Probably to hang them on their wall and admire the pretty view, as any normal person would. They don't understand that what they are really hanging are my words. Pictures are my way of expressing myself. 

While any normal person may see a picture that I've taken of a girl walking alone through the park, I see a girl with a long story behind her - which I have already imagined.

It's the only way I know how to express myself.

*Present Time*

"In other news, rumors are that superstar Reese Tyler has been seen out with the infamous Justin Bieber. With Jelena haven broken up for what seems to be the last time, is the Biebs out to find someone new? And is this new person none other than a member of the Tyler family? Find out, after the break."

I rolled my eyes at the perky blonde news lady just as her face disappeared and was replace by a commercial about some phone company. There's no way Reese would stoop that low. And if she decided to, I would already know about it. Rule one of fame: Your family finds out before the media finds out. 

I took another bite of my cereal and stood up from the table. Once my bowl had been washed out and put away, I headed upstairs to ready myself for a long day. And by long, I mean avoiding paparazzi. I may not be mega famous, but I'm still a Tyler. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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