Start from the beginning

"How long have you had this fever, Lord Corvan?" he asked calmly.

Corvan grumbled something along the lines of "Do not worry about me and let's begin," as he removed his hand.

The rest of the twelve were now standing in front of him, excluding Valeriana.

This was the first time they have seen the first ranker in this state, and they couldn't help but try to imprint the image of Corvan in their minds.

Corvan suddenly stood, with a deep angry frown on his face.

"Quit your staring, and leave me alone. I'm fine!" he yelled. His eyes were wide, and you could practically feel his power dominating the room.

"No you're not," Valeriana said amidst the silence. She had been unusually quiet as well, whilst the other members had expected her to be laughing at Corvan's current state. But instead, they found it weird that she was just sitting there eyeing him with a mix of worry and irritation on her face.

"I don't care what you think, stupid witch!" Corvan yelled, while glaring at her.

"Quit being stubborn, idiot devil!" she fired back.

"I'm not. It's you who keep insisting that I am," he yelled.

"That's because you're being too high-and-mighty to admit that you're sick, when in fact that you are!" Val yelled.

The rankers kept whipping their heads back and forth between them as they took turns yelling insults and other things towards each other.

None of them would dare to get in between the two, not being able to take in their combined glares and voice yelling at them to not interfere.

Although they would never admit, Corvan and Valeriana combined was a very scary duo. The thought made them inwardly shudder, including Charles and Brindon.

The said two finally finished yelling at each other, leaving them out of breath, Corvan especially.

He suddenly collapsed, alerting all of them. Rowe caught him before he could face plant on the floor.

"Fine, huh?" the fifth ranker bit out sarcastically. Despite this, there was concern in her tone.

Corvan tried to glare at her, but he felt so weak that he ended up slump on the second ranker in an unconscious state.

"Maybe now, we should take him to his room," Brindon stated blankly. They just nodded at him. Rowe and Charles began hauling the first ranker to his room, slightly dreading the number of steps they had to take to get there.

Meanwhile, the others left behind didn't fail to notice the look of concern on their fifth ranker. They hid their grins...except for Brindon...well you get the point.


The twelve, more like eleven, had now finished eating dinner, and were now staring silently at each other.

"So...whose going to make Corvan take his medicine?" Keelan began. He nervously glanced around his fellow rankers.

"I have to wash the dishes," Charles said.

"I have to clean my weapons," Tamara said not a second after the latter spoke.

"We have to go to the library," the twins piped in.

Soon enough, the others were now blurting out excuses at the same time including Brindon. Valeriana was the only one who remained oblivious of the fact that the others didn't want to go to the first ranker's room.

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