Meet Tim

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The team was all lounging around the cave when all of a sudden the Zeta tube announced the presence of Batman and a guest. He walked into the room while for some reason dragging his left leg behind him. He had his cape wrapped around him so that you could only see his face. He walked over to Robin who was sitting on the couch.

Batman just glared at him "You..." he pointed at Robin "Watch him..." He said pointing down at his leg for some reason. "I can't get him to stop crying!" He said frustrated. Robin just smirked while Batman rolled his eyes at him "Look he had a nightmare and since... well since you..." He started stumbling over his words.

Robin smirked even more "...And since every night I have night terrors you thought I would be the best person to calm him down?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Batman sighed "Yes that's what I'm saying. Alfred is visiting his niece and I'm trying to work on a case!"

Robin smiled "Don't worry I can take care of him for a while. We'll be back home in a little bit."

Now the team was really confused "Since when has Robin had night terrors?" Zatanna asked worriedly.

"I fear there is still much we do not know about our young teammate's past." Kaldur said sadly.

Batman lifted up his cape and the team could finally see a young boy with black hair wrapped tightly around his leg. Robin bent down next to the boy and gently pulled him free of Batman's leg. The moment the boy was in Robin's arms he grabbed onto him like a life line. He wrapped his arms around his neck so tightly that Robin started choking.

Batman smirked "Did I forget to mention he's being rather clingy? Well... bye!" he the n quickly left through the Zeta tube before Robin could yell at him.

Robin sighed and looked back down at the boy in his arms. He sat back down on the couch and moved the boy in his arms so he could see his face. The boy was shaking with fear as tears streamed down his face. "Shh Timmy..." Robin cooed "You're alright..." Robin gently moved a hair out of Tim's face. "Would it help if you told me what happened in the nightmare?" he asked carefully.

Tim looked up at him and sniffled "D-Does it h-help you?" he asked still crying.

Robin nodded "On nights when I have a really bad terror Bats will come into my room and sit with me until I calm down enough to tell him what happened. And once I do... I feel better. Do you want to try?"

Tim nodded as Robin wiped a tear from his eye with his thumb "Well i-it was m-mostly about y-you..."

Robin raised an eyebrow "You had a nightmare about me?"

Tim nodded and spoke a little more calmly "Last night before I went to bed I heard you screaming and I thought someone was attacking you. So I went to check on you... when I walked down to your room I peaked in the door... you were lying in bed but you kept moving around and hitting stuff. B was in there pinning your arms down while Agent A tried to grab your legs. Y-you just kept screaming..." his eyes started to fill with tears again. "Somehow you got one of your hands free and you banged it on the nightstand..."

Robin subconsciously rubbed his wrist when he said this. "But that happened last night. What was your nightmare about?"

A tear dripped from Tim's eye "Last night I-I thought you were being attacked by a monster! WH-when I went to sleep in my dream you were being attacked and you were screaming... a-and then y-you died... and..." he burst into tears again and grabbed tightly onto the older boy.

Robin gently hugged him back and rubbed little circles in between his shoulders. "Shh Timmy..." he cooed gently. "I'm not going anywhere."

Tim looked up at him hopefully "Really? Y-You promise?"

Robin smiled "I promise I will never leave you Timmy." He gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "Now let's get you home and see if you can't get some more sleep. Tim nodded and tucked his head into the older boy's shoulder as they walked into the Zeta tube.

"Um is it just me... or did we just witness the cutest thing ever?!" Artemis said smiling.

Zatanna looked sadly at her "It sounds like Robin has pretty severe night terrors..."

The whole team thought about that sadly. They would have to ask him about it latter.

(A/N - wow another chapter! :) I'm on a roll! I'll try to put up the last chapter pretty soon just stay whelmed and feel the aster)

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