Meet Damian

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It had been a normal mission. No big deal really. Batman had sent the team on a mission against the league of shadows. The league had taken some scientist prisoner and it was the team's job to rescue him.

All in all the mission was so far going as planned. They had retrieved the scientist without being noticed and were now running through the maze of a castle heading back to the bioship.

Of course everything was going fine until a boy dressed all in black and wielding two swords jumped in front of him. If he hadn't been wearing a mask you would have been able to see Robin roll his eyes. He sighed "What do you want Damian?" he said nonchalantly.

"Wait you know this kid?!" Wally gapped at him.

Robin waved him off and looked back at Damian "Long story. Now leave us alone or I'm gonna tell dad!"

"Look Grayson I'll leave you and your little pep squad alone if you give me back my grandfather's prisoner." The boy said with authority.

Robin raised an eyebrow "And what are you going to do if I don't?"

Damian shrugged "I do have a sword..."

Robin faked hurt "You would kill your own brother?!" the team's eyes widened in shock "Well I know what you're not getting for Christmas!" he said smirking.

Damian just glared at him "STEP brother mind you! I would rather kill myself than be related to you by blood!"

Robin glared at him "And what's that supposed to mean?! I'm a completely likeable person!" he added smiling.

Damian sighed and shook his head "You and Drake are both idiots. The only one of you I can even come close to relating to is Todd."

Robin huffed "You would like Jason. Both of you are so violent! Just last night Jason stabbed my hand because I took the last cookie!!!"

Damian smiled "Alfred's cookies can make even the innocent commit murder."

Robin just stared at him "Wow... that... is really morbid..."

"Are you denying it?" He said raising an eyebrow.

Robin opened his mouth to retort then closed it again "Ok fine there was one time when Tim took the last one but that's it!" he shouted and Damian smirked. Robin sighed "So are you gonna let us pass or am I going to have to kick your butt like last time?"

Damian glared "You got lucky last time Grayson!" he sighed "But yes you may pass..."

Robin smiled "Thanks Dami! See you at dinner!" and just like that he ran forward leaving a bewildered team behind.

"Robin has more than one brother?" Artemis said astonished.

(A/N - Hey guys! :) I'm back! I decided to make this into a 4 part story! :) the next chapter will feature Tim and the last will feature all the bats together! :) and to make things clear the way I'm doing this is when Jason was brought back to life he was brought back older than Dick. But Dick is actually the oldest of all of them! :) I hoped you liked this chapter I'm sure when my next update will be but just keep your eyes open. Stay whelmed and feel the aster! :) Bye!)

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