Me,You And Him

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Dre's POV:

I decided to do what Bahja asked... I am going to get myself some help and maybe I'll be normal again... I have htought about all the stuff I've done... Hurting someone who didn't do anything... I was just crazy in love and I need to show Bahja that I really do love her. I walked to her house today and I saw Princeton and her standing there talking so i just walked up!

Me: Hey Baby!, Hey Prince!

Prince: Hello

Bahja: Hey *smiles*

Me: I just wanted to tell you that I got the help today!

Prince: Help?

Bahja: He agreed to get himself some help to get rid of his anger!

Me: Yeah but they said that I have to go to Germany... They're sending me away for 8 months..

Bahja:OMG what?

Dre: Bahja I know this is really bad but I am doing this for you! To show that i love you! There's this class that I have to take in order for me to get better... I really do love you and I don't like having a long distance relationship because I enjoy having you here... Bahja I think we should take a break.. 

Bahja: Really?

Me: I'm sorry but not being able to see you every day will hurt me so bad that I'll hate myself!

Bahja: I understand and maybe this break is the best thing for me and you!

Me: I'm glad you understand! *hugs you and kisses you* 

Prince: Thank you for being honest!

Me: I'm so sorry about what happened before I lost control and I went off!

Prince: It's cool dude. Glad to see your getting help!!!! 

Me: Yeah so um Bahja don't be mad at me please!

Prince: *Thinks: Amen they're not together!*

Bahja: It is fine.. Just give me a call when you're good! *smiles and hugs him* 

Prince: I have an annoucement!

Me: Go ahead!

Prince: Me and Bahja are in love with each other and I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend today...

Bahja: Yeah I did kinda like him!

Me: *smiles and looks at both of them* I could tell and you know... I really think you two will make a great couple... Anyways I gotta go.. My plane leaves soon.. *hugs Bahja and fist bumps Prince and leaves*

{Well guys that's what happens... There will be a whole new part to the story... }

I know this was the craziest thing to hear that the girl you truly love is with someone else but you know you can move on and get over things soon... 

Can't Stop Loving You (A Bahja Rodriguez Story)Where stories live. Discover now