Another Mini! Songs in Our Hearts

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I don't know why but I am full of comedy lately... I will update the story but why not have another little mini!

Ok everyone... now what to do...

Vegeta: *walks in* I don't know why you stopped the story for this...

Katarina: I bet people don't really want this story to get to the end already. I mean, we are in the Buu Saga, this is the last known DBZ saga. No one wants to get to the end. I don't want DBZ to end! Same way with Naruto, or Roseario + Vampire, or Vampire Diaries, or Buffy!

Vegeta: You know Buffy ended, right?

Katarina: I know!! You don't have to rub it in!! I wanted Spike to be with Buffy!!! Not Die!!

Vegeta: Geez, why are you wrapped up about imaginary characters... it's the same thing about your "Rocket Shipping".

Katarina: I am a pure Rocket Shipper and I know that Jessie and James should be a couple!!!

Vegeta: You are freaking out about a imaginary character! Stop! It's as bad as when we had to break the news about David Bowie passing away...

Katarina: Leave Bowie out of this, may he rest in peace. He was a really talented person, he was a singer, song writer, actor... and I am blanking... and I am currently listening to Bowie on my Mp3 so I will never forget him. And not start crying that there will never be another Labyrinth movie with David Bowie as Jareth. I hope they do not have a new Labyrinth... they can never replace Bowie... end of discussion.

Vegeta: Ok... so what is with the title of this part?

Katarina: Honestly I don't know... I think we are sorta breaking the forth wall.

Vegeta: I can break more than 4 walls, Katarina. I can bring a whole building down...

Katarina: I know...

Trunks: (runs in with a white book in his hand) I did something! And I am not sure if it is working.

Katarina: What have you done now?

Vegeta: (breaking into song)
What have you done now!

I know I better stop trying,
You know There is no denying,
I won't show mercy on you now!

Katarina: (abruptly joins in)
I know I should stop believing,
I know There's no retreaving...

It's over now...

What have you done?...

What have you done now!?

I am waiting for someone like you,
But you are slipping away...
Why?! Does fate make us suffer?!

It's a curse between us! Between me and you!!!

Katarina: *covers her mouth with hand and covers Vegeta's hand with other hand*

Trunks: Whoa!!! That defiantly changes a lot.

Katarina: (sings abruptly)
Ch ch ch ch changes! Turn and face the change!!! Time may change me! But you can't trace time... *covers mouth again*

Trunks: Cool! I wonder if it works on other people! Goten, come on!

Goten: (comes in singing)
Come on, come on! Get ready! Are you ready?! Come on come on! Are you ready..!!?

Trunks: Can I do that?!

Katarina: Well you are just a girl... *grins*

Trunks: *sings in style of Gwen Stifani*
Oh I'm just a girl, I rather not be, because they won't let me drive! * covers mouth*

Vegeta: Hahahaha! That was pretty crafty there, Katarina, no wonder why I love you...

Katarina: Yep, our roses have thorns though...

Vegeta: (Sings abruptly)
Every rose has its thorn, just like every night, has its dawn. Just like every cowboy sings a sad sad song, every rose has its thorn... *covers mouth*

Katarina: Hahaha! Totally fell for it!!! Now, what kind of magic spell did you use Trunks?

Trunks: (singing) Dance magic Dance! Jump magic jump! *covers mouth*

Katarina: I love this!!! Reminds me of that Buffy episode when everyone started singing randomly and doing dance numbers. So give me the book.

Trunks: There you are! I am leaving in case this starts all over again!

All:(singing) Tonight we'll be starting all over again!!!! And it feels like the first time!! I never be able to break it! Starting all over again... *covers mouths*

Katarina: Here it is, now let me concentrate and boom! It's done!

Vegeta: You just raised your hands and said it was done.

Katarina: Yeah, and it is a mental spell, so no need for words. Plus if it didn't work, I would be singing Raise Your Hands...

Vegeta: Well I am guess I am taking it back...

Katarina: (singing) Taking it baaaaaaaaaack!!! I'm taking it back! Taking it baaaaaaack!!!! Took it away, took it away! All I can say is I am taking it back!

Vegeta: Aaaaaah! I am out of here!!!!

Songs in this story:
What have you done now? -Within Temptation

Changes- David Bowie

Get Ready- Bon Jovi

Just A Girl- No Doubt

Every Rose Has Its Thorn- Poison

Magic Dance- David Bowie

Starting All Over Again-Bon Jovi

Taking It Back- Bon Jovi

I don't own these songs and I hope you loved this filler!

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