Chapter 6

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Ok So This begins at Maria's House through Sam's eyes why? well because I though it would be nice and well im Me and I can do that so I did but anyway' I hope you guys will enjoy it, and Music please if you know some good song comment telling me the name and author thanks! ( I'll be uploading the next chapter very soon I promise!) Rosy on side.



This house was very homey even for its expensive interior and exterior, I guess thats how I would explain it , As soon as you walk through the front door your taken into a blanket of comfortable warmth, and a cinnamon sent  even though it was clear that there nothing baking from the white foam in kitchen. But other then that everything looked expensive and clean.

Jake shook his head and laughed as slipped out of his sneakers and into a pair of provided cleaned white fluffy slippers arranging in all sizes. I quickly followed in his lead picking the largest slippers provided to make sure comfort. I jogged following Jake into the wide hall.

"Logan tried use the toaster again?" I stood confused for a moment till I finally understood Jake wasn't talking to me, I followed his stare up to the stairs to a very unforgettably beautiful face. She stood there only wrapped in a thin towel, Her long, toned legs were fully exposed, her hair was still dripping wet, along with the awkwardness in the air, 

Her large brown doe like eyes darted back from me and Jake then finally resting on my brother, yes you have heard correctly, Jake is my  brother we spent our childhood together since we were 4 then our parents got divorced, I left with my father to Vermont while Jake stood here in Connecticut with mom.

I watched her run up the stairs until the was far out of my sight and even after I listen till I heard her door clicked shut. Wow i sound like a stalker.  I frowned at my self slightly and ran my fingers through my soft hair. A lot of people think i use styling gel in my hair but nope it just naturally styles it's self once in out of the shower only thing I need is a brush and air.

I snapped my head to left noticing Jake was no longer there, I sighed and frantically searched, after running through two halls I finally figured out that the Living Room Jake was in was right behind me. Fail Moment. 

It seemed as though every room had its own sent. Weird. But still nice Lavender-ish. Jake sat in a large mint green love seat  and a small boy looking around the ages of maybe eleven or ten sat  on the floor, messy, brown hair down to his ears, his bright green eyes intently focused on wacky cartoons that were after chasing each other on the T.V set. I smiled and strolled to the long and stiff, expensive mocha-brown couch farthest from the door, Much more comfortable then it looked.

The loud bangs from the stairs made Jake give out a small laugh and mumble something inaudible, as of on cue Maria entered the room, painfully breathtaking beautifully for no reason, even in plain black shorts, her long legs made then look like some expert designer made them, and Her bright blue Tank-top hung low to  give a man curious urge but nothing make your smutty. Maria was pure class and elegant even when she stands over her what I guessed her younger brother with a evil little grin.

I lift a brow as she lifts her hand and Jake tosses a remote to her, I laughed as she simplely turned off the T.V. 

"What happen! Turn it back on!" The small boy jumped up from his spot completely unaware of his sister and jumped onto Jake pounded on im with his little fist, Jake's startled and confused face stare at the little face then up at Maria's. A small giggle escaped her pink lips as she lowly made her way to the wildly boy then, gripping him by the ear, she yanked him off of Jake who had a small piity smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2011 ⏰

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