Chapter 3

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RECAP:"Maybe, but I kinda have to get going, I was nice chatting with you though." I stood slowly and smiled in response to his, Sam suddenly held up a finger, i stared at him in confusion as he dug through his book-bag retrieving a paper and pen then began writing down numbers then he stood up towering over me, handed me the paper then walk off with a small smile.

I stood there like an idiot for a while attempting to figure out what happen, I looked down at the paper which in tiny print held a number and tiny print spelling out Sam's cellphone, I smiled down at the small sheet of paper wiped out my phone and added into my library.

Maybe today wasn't so bad.


I practically skipped out of the lunch room Emily and Jake far forgotten. I grinned so much that by the time I reached gym for last period I thought my face was going to permanently stay that way, which would have seriously sucked because I was still extremely pissed at my two so called " Best-Friends."

I pulled off my sweater replacing it with the thin white cotton T-shirt and replacing my jeans and shoes with shorts and my old running shoes. I shifted uncomfortably, A burning sensation began to occur on my back, you know the type when you feel like someone's staring you down as though they are about to throw a bag of bricks at your fucking head. I quickly turned around comeing face to face with Emily's death stare.

We stood in silence, my brown eyes narrowed at her as she scowled at me. I felt uncomfortable and scared as hell, My heart beat widely in my chest but I stood my ground folding my arms across my chess shifting my weight onto one of my legs and flipped my bangs out of my face.

"What do you want?" My usually soft voice was flat,cold and venom leaked through every word as they echoed through the empty locker room. Emily smiled a sick smile that made me tremble to the bone. Her eyes were filled with anger and mischief.

"Why didn't you sit with me at lunch?"  I stared at her as she walked gracefully towards me, Like a large Cat, Her tight shorts complimented her long tan legs as her strutted forward as though I were prey in a jungle.

"It hurts when you ignore me Cora." Emily purred, stopping in front of me, My pulse throbbed against my cooled skin. I stood there my eyes wide and arms now dangling at my sides. Emily leaned in her lips brushing against my jaw her warm breath in my ear. I quickly glanced around the room hoping for an escape but none her found I was pinned against the corner locker, Emily's hand ran up my thigh.

"Why are you mad at me Cora? You know I love you right?" Emily let of a giggle into my neck as her bite it, She didn't bite softly ether, I let out a yelp. "I Hate Jake, Cora." I shrugged against Emily but due to her extreme sports practices it was clear that Emily was a lot stronger then me.

"What the hell do you mean?" I gasped as her filed nails dug deep into my right breast Emily's lips smashed onto mine. Her hot breath fought with mine as her peppermint tongue dug into my throat making me gag slightly, I used all my strength and shoved her forcefully She landed onto the floor with a small thud. Emily stared up at me as I wiped my mouth of her kiss, She stood her eyes angered and wild.

"You shouldn't have done that, Cora you'll regret it." She point her long filed nail at me and stormed out of the lockers leaving me absolutely dumbfounded and lost for words. A sick feeling twisted my stomach as I sat on the long bench, I rubbed my breast slightly were the throbbing from were Emily's nails had bruised my fragile skin, my mind was completely confused and I trembled as Emily's last words repeated in my head. What the hell did she mean? 

I ripped off my gym cloths and dressed back into my old cloths. I walked dazed out of the locker room sneaking out of the gym doors, Running to my locker ripping it open a huge land slid of paper hearts fell out  all of the red with Jake's messy print over them, I smiled slightly pulling out my Math and English books out placing them into my bag and jogging out of the school.

A sharp pain shot through my face, I fell onto the ground my head contacting with the ground. I groaned loudly and rubbed my now lumpy head with my hand and placing my other hand on my nose. I should stop running into stuff I mentally note to my self.

"You ok Cora." Jake's deep voice was right next to me, My eyes slowly fluttered open and I smiled at him,

"Yeah, I'm fine Jake, Damn feels like I ran into a brick wall." Jake laughed loudly and reached out a hand with I took gratefully.

"That's because you did." I my eyes flickered from Jake to the visible brick wall to the side of us. I sighed shaking my head in shame. Jake patted my back as he walked me to my car.

"It's alright Hun, So what non-moving objects tend to attack you its nothing to get worked up about." I rolled my eyes at him and opened my door sitting in the lather seat staring up at Jake's beaming face.

"Why the hell are you so happy?"  I chuckled slightly reaching over into the glove box ripping out the bottle of pain pills and popping two into my mouth swallowing it down with water. 

"Well two things, One you forgave me!" I held up a finger and glared at him.

"Who said that? I'll have you know I'm still plenty pissed at you." Jake's bottom lip began to poke out and his blue eyes became wide,sweet and innocent. All angry I had for the boy had simply melted away, I sighed.

"Fine your forgiven, just quit it with the puppy face." Jake grinned and pulled me into a tight hug. I laughed softly and sat back into my seat once he was finished squeezing the breath out of me.

"So what was the last thing?" Jake's eyes light up, Like he was a small child in a candy store, I laughed at his excitement, But it all but faded as he began to explain my worst nightmare.


Author's Wonderful note! =D

SO! I hope you guys have enjoyed so far, I shall update as soon as I stop being lazy, So yes! um on the side is Emily pretty right! I bet you didn't expect her to hit on Maria like that. But your wondering what kind of evil plan she's coming up with because Maria rejected her. Poor girl and her day was going so well. Oh well! =(  Vote, Comment and Fan! (Just dont comment about errors -.-)

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