Chapter 4

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Jake on side =D 

Recap: "Why the hell are you so happy?"  I chuckled slightly reaching over into the glove box ripping out the bottle of pain pills and popping two into my mouth swallowing it down with water. 

"Well two things, One you forgave me!" I held up a finger and glared at him.

"Who said that? I'll have you know I'm still plenty pissed at you." Jake's bottom lip began to poke out and his blue eyes became wide,sweet and innocent. All angry I had for the boy had simply melted away, I sighed.

"Fine your forgiven, just quit it with the puppy face." Jake grinned and pulled me into a tight hug. I laughed softly and sat back into my seat once he was finished squeezing the breath out of me.

"So what was the last thing?" Jake's eyes light up, Like he was a small child in a candy store, I laughed at his excitement, But it all but faded as he began to explain my worst nightmare.


"So like I was thinking about what you had said earlier you know before the whole water thing," Jake glanced down at me with nervous and sorry eyes, I shook my head and nodded my head ach faintly dulling I just wanted him to hurry up so I can go home and sleep.

"And well you were right! So I did what you said and it worked!" I stared at Jake slightly confused as it slowly sunk into my thick and slow mind. The text message. I groaned internally and threw my hands into my face.

"When did you ask her?" I shut my eyes attempting to prepare my self.

"About five or ten minutes before I saw you." I slumped back into my seat, he asked Emily out right after she raped  and attempted to rip my boob off. "Maria you'll regret that."  Emily's word echoed through my mind and splitting ache made me gasp in pain.

"Maria! are you ok?" Jake's hand was rubbing my back comforting and I nodded slightly.

"Yeah just kinda really need to get home right now." Jake's brows frowned in confusion but he nodded and stepped back as I shut my door and turned on my car racing out of the school lot. Once home I completely ignored the huge mess in the kitchen and went strait up stairs, I flung my bag off the corner and flopped onto my bed.

So this is Emily's way of getting back? She going to hurt me by hurting someone I love. Though I hate to admit it, Emily's plan was quite the smart plan and I was rather impressed that Emily could even think up something as smart as that. I groaned in frustration, I knew this wasn't the end of Emily's pay-back plan for rejecting her, not even close, this was only the start, She's going to start by breaking Jake's heart, I would tell him but he wont believe me after all the boy has been in love with Emily for many years and I highly doubt just me telling him to break up with her wasn't going to work out to well.

I groaned in aggravation and flipped over onto my side flipping my bangs out of my hair. Tired-ness seeped down into my tense muscles relaxing them, my lids slowly drooped and blackness clouded my vision, I felt my self fall, fall into nothingness I couldn't see, hear ,smell or anything all I felt was my body being dragged down into the darkness. I hit the ground. It was so cold but my vision was coming a figure in front of me finally spoke.

"Run Maria, run away." The familiar voice seeped into my head along as I turned onto my heel and ran, I ran into the darkness and the voice followed chanting the same words, then with a angry flash of pain dropping me to my knees and began to weep in the hot blinding pain, I felt the presents of the figure before I even looked up at it. Vemon leaked through its cold voice.

"Run all you want my dear, just remember I'll always come back and I will find you." I shook my head and screamed as a new wave of pain over came my trembling body I screamed out why and the black shadow smiled a wicked and evil grin as it spoke out.

"Because Maria, I love you." I stared at the figure and invisible light slowly lit up the figures body. Familiar tan legs, long blond hair, and scoring grey eyes. I gasped once again in pain and in realisation,  as I stared up at Emily's who was streaked in blood. 

"Why are you covered in blood?" It was as though I couldn't controll my lips as another grin spread across her lips and she mouthed something I could see the disappeared.

I jolted up right from my bed, my chest seemed to tighten even more for every gasp of air. I wiped the sweat off of my face, chest and neck. I trebled as I attempted to get in control of my heartbeat. I slowly stood out of my bed and stumbled into the bathroom flicking on the cold water. Not bothering to take off my cloths,I gasped as the icy water made contact with my ablaze skin, But oh heavenly it felt. 

I stood there with the water running down my cloths clinging to my pale skin, I began to shiver and my teeth knocked against one another for a while before I finally willed by self to step out of the shower. I  slowly peeled off my cloths and replaced them with my simple sweat pants and cami, I slowly brushed my hair from my pale skin as I stared at my self in mirror, my lips were blue from the cold water my eyes were wide frightened and shocked as my body still trembled from the terrible nightmare.

I sighed loudly as I heard the down stairs door open and slam shut. Logan was finally home. I stepped out of my bathroom and jogged down stairs to encounter a shock. I stared down at the two people that stood in my hallway. Jake grinned up at me and pointed to my kitchen.

"Logan tried to use the toaster again?" I nodded my head faintly as Jake let out a loud laugh and entered the living room with my other "Guest"  following his steps.


Author's wonderful in put =)

So sorry this one is rather short! but it about one in the morning and I have both school and work soon so please dont hit me *hides behind chair.*  I promise to update tomorrow if I dont fall asleep. I hope you liked it! Who's the other person with Jake? What was with the dream? Why was Emily covered in Blood! so many questions indeed!  well not really anyway Vote, Comment, Fan! and I'll think about giving you a cookie! Sounds tempting dont it? 

 P.S to that wonderful Asshole who had began to steal most of my work -.- (your a uncreative prick.)  I have copy right on my work now for the entire story belongs to me and my wonderful mind. all except the pictures of actors and You-tube video's I dont own them so I dont care.

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