Little Nani Meets Hank

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On a fine day, as usual, Little Nani decided she wanted to go to the forest and play a bit next to the river. She was thinking that she would make little boats out of sticks and leaves. Maybe I can send messages down the river with those boats and see if people find them, she thought.

As she was approaching the river, she saw something weird… It was a van!

What is a van doing here? she wondered.

Little Nani liked a good mystery, so she thought that she should investigate who was the owner of the van and what they were doing there. She went to hide behind a tree, a lovely tree that was next to the van.

Little Nani tiptoed towards the tree, even though she didn’t need to do that because the soft grass was muffling the sound of her steps. Once she got there, she kneeled and peeped around the tree to see if there was someone there. She didn’t see anybody, but something caught her attention. It was…

“LIQUORICE!” squealed Little Nani, who stood up and started jumping and clapping excitedly. She loved liquorice. She stooped to take a bit of liquorice and…

“What do you think you are doing!?” someone shouted.

Little Nani was so startled that she fell to the floor and went rolling towards the river, until she managed to stop herself right before hitting the water. She jumped to her feet, brushed the dirt from her dress, removed some leaves from her hair thinking they would be lovely sails for the boats she wanted to do, and went again towards the tree.

What she found next to the tree was quite surprising. The liquorice she had found was part of a tail! And what a tail! It looked as if half of it was missing, and it was attached to the most extraordinary creature she had ever seen (apart from Drofxo, of course, but that belongs to another story). This creature had wooden hands apart from the liquorice tail, his eyes were blue, and Little Nani could see a tiny red dot in his mouth when he talked.

“Who are you and why were you trying to destroy my tail?” demanded the creature.

“I’m Little Nani and I live nearby. And I wasn’t trying to destroy your tail!”

“Well, you wanted to take a piece of it.”

“Because it looked like liquorice.”

“It IS liquorice.”

“How nice! Can I have some?”

“Of course not!”


Little Nani jumped backwards when, unexpectedly, this creature started shooting laser beams from his mouth.

“Hey, that wasn’t nice!”

Little Nani took her magic wand out of her pocket and shot a trail of purple sparks to this creature, but they only tickled him under his arms.

“Hahahaha! OK, OK, Little Nani, stop with that. My name is Hank and I forgive you for wanting to take a bit of my tail.”

“And I forgive you for being rude to me. Can we cook blue spaghetti?”

“Blue spaghetti?”


“How do you cook that?”

“It’s like normal spaghetti, but you can put your liquorice tail inside the pot so the water and the spaghetti turn blue.”

“But liquorice is black.”

“But the juice you get from liquorice is kind of blue…” Little Nani rolled her eyes as saying doh!

“OK then. Will it hurt me?”

“Oh, no, Hank! It won’t hurt you at all. Let’s go to my house now.”

So they went together to Little Nani’s house, hoping to cook and eat some delicious blue spaghettis.

Do you think that Little Nani and Hank will manage to cook those spaghettis without causing too much chaos? Who knows? I will leave it to your imagination.

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