Chapter - 11) As We Enter The Twilight Zone...

Start from the beginning

"We'll be careful, Iris. Promise. Then again it's not like we haven't done dangerous stuff before." Barry says to her. "I know, but still this is an all new. It's a different version of the world."

"Do you think they have hover boards there? Not the crappy ones we have but the ones they predicted in back to the future?"

"Rose, I swear your head is always somewhere else."

It is, my head is racing over the things that's happened in the past few days. As well as getting answers from the earth 2 me.

"Be sure you guys come home." Iris says as she gets up and gives me a hug. "No problem, sis."


The next morning we were in the basement of the lab looking at the last breach.

"All right, Rose and Barry. You're about to go through the looking glass."

I flinch when he says that and quickly recover before anyone could notice.

"You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally, also good luck."

I strap my book bag on tight and hear Barry sigh. "Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us. If that happens, you have to close the breach."

I was about to speak but Caitlyn beats me to it. "We're not gonna do that." My dad gives a somber look to Barry and I.

"Both of you get yourselves back here in one piece, you hear me?"

"Got it Joe."

"Sure thing dad." I give my dad a hug and he holds me for a moment. "I love you, dad." I whisper inhaling his scent just to I can remember. I let him go and Barry goes in for a hug as well.

Caitlyn was talking to Cisco and I was feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"You okay?" Barry asks. "Yeah. I mean I'm a little nervous like I could puke. But I won't puke. I hope..."

He pulls me in and kisses me. Then he leans in and whispers in my ear.

"When we get back, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" He shrugs. "It's a surprise." He smiles and walks away. "Come on a hint? Please? Pretty please?"

Caitlyn then gives me a hug and tells me to be careful. "I will. You too." She nods and then goes to give Barry a hug.

"Rose?" I turn to Jay and he gives me a soft smile. "You'll get your speed back. That's next on the agenda."

"Thank you, but I especially want to warn you. When you go over there, stay away from the earth-2 Rosemary." I frown hearing that. "Why?" He was about to answer but Harry clears his throat.

"Let's go." I wish Jay could've told me why I should stay away from her, but it's time we go and save Harry's girls.

"Anyone else getting this panicky feeling? I mean there was this time when I was 18 and I chickened out of bungee jumping, but this is categorically a lot scarier." Cisco says beside me.

"Once I turn the speed cannon on, the four of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Barry and Rose. You two need to make sure you keep your speeds up." We both look at Jay and nod.

"I--I got not spit." Cisco says in a panic. "Jaws."

"No, Harry. I'm not just quoting jaws. I mean my mouth is really dry right now."

"Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way." Jay warns. Cisco turns to him. "What are we gonna see?"


Chase The Impossible *A Barry Allen/OC Love Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now