"Yea. By the way, I've been meaning to ask, did I do something? Are you okay? You've been more quiet than normal lately, and I wasn't sure why, or if maybe I did anything..."She trails off quietly. 

                 I could almost slap myself, after hearing what she just said. There was no way I could be mad at her, and the fact that she thought that makes my chest tighten. "Penelope." I say her name, as I walk over to her, pulling her into an embrace. A look of surprise crosses her features, as she meets my gaze, her emerald green eyes searching my brown one. "Penelope, you've done nothing wrong. In fact, I was thinking about how maybe I don't express myself well enough. That's why I've been so quiet. I'm very sorry you thought that. Please don't ever think that again." 

                 She nods, visibly relaxing as she sighs in relief. "Okay, just making sure. You've been really quiet lately, not even making fun of everyone as much as you normally do..I thought there might be something bothering you, or that maybe I  had done something." she says softly.

                I shake my head."I was starting to worry that I don't express myself very well, and was starting to get lost in my thoughts, over thinking everything. I'm sorry." I answer quietly. 

                 She nods, pulling out of the embrace. "Alright. Let's find what we came for then, before their crew comes back, or someone realizes that we're here." She says smiling, as we both begin our search once again. 

                 We keep searching, and though I come across a few treasures, none have the red string around it, like the one we need. Though I do come across a beautiful necklace, that has a teardrop shaped blue jewel hanging from a gold chain, with a heart shape just above the teardrop. I glance over at Penelope, who appears to be absorbed in the search, and I pocket the necklace, without her noticing. I know technically it's against the rules, but I highly doubt they would notice it missing, and I also recognize it as a piece of jewelry from my homeland, and it was most likely stolen to begin with.

               Plus, I really wanted to give it to Penelope. "I found it!" Penelope exclaims suddenly, not too long after I had pocketed the necklace. She holds up a large intricate bracelet, made up of many chains, with rubies sparkling throughout the many chains.

              "Nicely done." I tell her, giving her a soft smile. "Now let's get out of here." I add, as I quietly take her hand, as we leave the room.

               We carefully make our way down the hallway, not seeing anyone. It seems as though their crew hasn't made it back yet, though the one lonely guard is still there, closer than last time. He's right by the exit, right where we need to go. We stop close to the end of the hallway, watching him, as we debate what to do. "Well now what." I mutter quietly.

               "I've got an idea." She says smirking, as she points to some rope that we had passed on our way down the hall. "Let me flirt with him, see if I can get close enough to tie him up, then we can get the hell out of here." she adds, glancing at me, excitement in her eyes.

               "I'm not sure I like this idea.." I reply, hesitantly. 

               She rolls her eyes at me, grinning."Why Ed, ya jealous?"

               "Of course not." I scoff, rolling my eye at her.

                "Then let me do this then. Besides, it's not like it means anything anyway. It's just so we can get off the ship without this turning into a huge pain in the ass." she argues, narrowing her eyes at me.

                 "Whatever, do what you want." I mumble, shrugging one shoulder. I really wasn't jealous, but at the same time, it wasn't exactly something I wanted to watch. Who would want to watch their girl flirt with another man? No man in their right mind that I knew of. 

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