The Game

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     You woke up on the cold stone floor to nothing but darkness around you and everything that had happened came rushing back. Standing up slowly, you looked around for any possible way of escape, but you found none. It was literally a hollow cube of stone with a large door on the side of it. You heard the large metal door open as you looked around the room, and your head swung around to see Daniel smirking at you.

     "Did you sleep well, my love?" he asked smiling as if nothing was wrong, and your fists clenched tightly.

     "Of course I didn't!" you yell now aggravated at his innocent attitude, but fear still lingered in your voice.

     "Oh? Why not? Was it because it was so dark or maybe no bed to sleep on?" he teased with a chuckle as he walked towards you.

     You backed into the wall as he neared you and his hands were now on either side of your head preventing your escape.

     "You look absolutely filthy.. I'll let you come upstairs with me if you kiss me.." he whispered softly in your ear then stared at you as if waiting for you to lean in, but you were stubborn.

     You spat in his face which surprised him, and he stepped back as if processing what you had just done. While he was in his daze, you ran towards the open door hoping you could escape until you ran into a firm chest in front of you. Your eye's widened when you realized who now had you in his arms, and his hand grabbed you roughly pulling you out of the room. Your eyes looked up at Daniel trying to figure out how he had been in front of you when he had been behind you only seconds before. His voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

     "Since you can't realize who you belong to by yourself, your boyfriend and your friend will help you out." he said while your ears perked up hearing that you would be able to see your friends.

     Daniel dragged you into a room where you could see two people side by side tied to a metal chair and their heads hung down.

     "Jason? [c/n]?" you ask as Daniel forces you into a chair and ties you down.

     Jason's head lifted slightly looking at you almost grateful to see a familiar face, and [c/n] did the same smiling slightly at you. However, Daniel wasn't smiling as he dragged your chair backwards a ways making sure you could see the two of them. You were confused as to what he was about to do, but you knew it wasn't good.

     "One of them is gonna tell you who you belong to.. Wanna bet who it's gonna be?" Daniel asked with a smirk and walked up behind them with his hand on their shoulder staring at you.

     "What are you planning to do?" you ask not liking the tone he was using, but he only smirked.

     "Here's an example." he said slamming his fist into your boyfriend's face with a smirk on his face as if he were enjoying causing him pain.

     Your eyes widened immediately as Daniel's cold, harsh eyes met yours.

     "Ready to play?" he asked with a smirk as he stared at you with a smirk.

     You watched in horror as your boyfriend spat blood onto the floor.

     "If neither of them says it, then I'll let you have alone time with what remains of them afterwards, but if one gives in, I'll get alone time with you." he says with a smirk and watches in triumph as you begin to tremble.

     "We can do it, [y/n]," Jason tried to assure looking at you with a smile, but fear was lingering in his eyes.

     "Yeah.. Don't worry, [y/n]," [c/n] agreed, but Daniel didn't give him a chance to smile as his fist collided with [c/n]'s jaw.

     "Don't talk to her!" Daniel screamed in a fit of anger directing it towards [c/n], but the bound male only glared in defiance at Daniel refusing to give in.

     "She's my girlfriend not yours!" he yelled, and Daniel's eyes narrowed as jealousy and anger began to swirl within them.

     Daniel gripped him by the collar and lifted him up with the chair now off the ground still tied to [c/n]. Your eyes widened as you watched him and your boyfriend, but they did not even seem to care about you at the moment.

     "She is mine.. I will make you scream that!" he demanded as he tore him from the chair tossing it against the wall making a loud ringing sound.

     Daniel slammed [c/n] onto the ground and was on top of him landing punches to his face several times while Jason and you watched in complete horror. Your [e/c] eyes were filled with absolute fear as you saw how severely Daniel was beating your boyfriend. Daniel's eyes were filled with an intense blood lust as his poundings only grew more and more severe and angry.

     Tears rolled down the [c/h/c] haired male as Daniel struck him several times standing up to continue his assault on the defenseless man. Your heart was breaking as he was never given a chance to even speak or fight back which only increased your sadness which quickly turned to agony and anger.

     "Daniel, stop it!! Please!!" you screamed as you struggled against the ropes that bound you, but your chair slipped making it fall to the side smacking your head hard against the stone.

     Dots of black began to edge your vision as Daniel turned his head to look at you dragging [c/n] over to you and held him down in front of you. You could see the trails of blood that ran down his battered face, and the twisted look of agony and pain etched across his face as his [c/e/c] eyes stared into yours. 

     "Tell her who she belongs to.." he demands digging his heel into [c/n]'s back making [c/n] yelp and groan in pain.

     You heard [c/n] whisper something barely audible before darkness consumed you.

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