Nightmare In Reality

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     The photograph contained a man with [crush's hair color] and [crush's eye color] and his throat had been ripped out savagely which made you sob heavily into the blanket.

     "Do you recognize this man. Miss [l/n]?" the detective asks now concerned for you and rubbed your back trying to calm you down.

     "I-Is h-h-his n-name [c/n]?" you stutter as you look up at him, but the detective shook his head quickly.

     "No.. His name is Jackson Reynolds.. Who is [c/n]?" he asks looking at you.

     "H-he is my b-b-boyfriend.." you stammer out relieved slightly but still highly upset.

     "Why did you think this was your boyfriend, ma'am?" he asks you, and you look at the picture again terrified.

     "He looks a-almost identical to my b-boyfriend.. His hair, his eyes, even the way he looks..." you say after gathering up what you had left of your sense of calm.

     "When did you and your boyfriend get together?" he asks, and you look up at him.

     "U-um earlier t-today.." you say questioning why he was asking about your new boyfriend.

     "Do you know anyone who would want to hurt you or perhaps your boyfriend?" he asks, but you shake your head confused.

     "Why are you asking about my boyfriend?" you ask tightening the blanket around yourself.

     "You said that this man looked identical to your boyfriend correct? Not fifteen minutes after this man was killed someone was watching you outside your window.." he said as you put two and two together. "Is there anywhere that you can stay for a little while until we can guarantee your safety?"

     "M-My friend's house.. His name is Jason, and his dad is cop..." you say trying to keep yourself from panicking, and he nods.

     "We'll keep an eye on the house and keep you up to date okay? Your mom is over there.." he says and walks you to your mother whom envelops you in warm and tight hug.

     "Jason's dad is outside.. He said that he'll give you a ride to their house okay? I'll be right behind you," she assured, and you nodded hesitantly walking towards the door.

     Jason and his dad were standing next to their car, and you slowly made your way to them nervously. Jason hugged you tightly wanting to comfort you as best he could.

     "How you doing?" he asked obviously concerned for you, and you looked up at him.

     "I-I'm okay.." you mumble quietly and rub your [e/c] eyes which were now red and puffy from crying so much.

     He ruffled your hair and smiled as he opened the back door for you, and you quickly crawled in and buckled your seat belt. Jason got in the front seat with his dad, and his dad drove you to their house with your mother in her car behind you.


     Several days passed and that feeling of being watched never left you even when you were in the company of your mother, Jason's dad, or even Jason. Every night, another murder had happened and each victim always looked identical to [c/n] which made you sob afraid that your boyfriend would be next. The police escorted you to school in the mornings, and Daniel would look concerned for you whenever you saw him as would Jason, but when Friday came around, a smile passed your lips for the first time in a while.

     "You look happy, [y/n]!" Jason exclaimed with a large smile on his face happy since you were.

     "Yeah.. Game night is tonight plus my boyfriend is taking me out tomorrow.. He says he's sick of seeing me upset and scared and wants to make me smile." you explain as you look up at him.

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