Chapter ten

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Junpyo couldn't help but be amused at the look on the Galgamagwi's face when he announced that he wanted her to be his secret girlfriend. When he first saw her come inside the room he had to restrain himself, keep cool and not drool on how beautiful she is. She looked like a goddess sent from heaven to be his personal amusement. Even when she was glaring like she wanted to kill him, she could still beat the current Miss Universe for the title.

His amusement of the situation continued when Raven looked at him confused and wide-eyed from surprise. When he was done giving her his proposal, she finally opened her mouth to speak.
Junpyo didn't quite expect the words that she spoke afterwards.

"Are you wearing lipstick?" She deadpanned.

Now it was Junpyo's turned to be equally stumped.

"What?" He said, perplexed by her statement. Junpyo touched his lips.

"'s not lipstick..." he stammered.

Raven raised her arms, "that's alright, pretty boy I won't judge." She said.

"Did you not get what I said a while ago?" he snapped.

Raven shrugged, "I don't know. You lost me at talking opposites."

She didn't hear a thing.

"What is going on with that head of yours?!"

"Hey, you kidnapped me. That should be my line. "She stated. Junpyo began walking back and forth, thinking what he should do next. All he could hear was Raven's nonsense babbling about petty stuff.

"Who does this even?! I thought this only happens in TV shows. Wait. Am in one of those reality sitcom shows? Is this a test? Did I like pass It? Do I win a million bucks? What if my dad is watching this? He is probably laughing his ass off right about now. I can't let my friends from camp see this. They would never let me live this down" She moaned. By that point, Junpyo had absolutely no idea what she was saying.

"How did you not get what I said to you like 30 seconds ago?"

"It was 1 minute and 12 seconds actually." She corrected.

"You counted?—no never mind." He said pinching the bridge of his nose. Junpyo was already glaring at her. He noticed that she was drumming her fingers on her dress. She couldn't keep still.

"Are you nervous or something?" he asked.

"Huh?" She noticed that she was scrutinizing the room like she was looking for little details.

"...You look jumpy..." He observed.

"Oh...I'm doing it again aren't I? That's just my ADHD?" she informed him.

"What?" he didn't understand.

She rolled her eyes, "Attention Defect Hyperactive Disorder. You can look it up on the internet."

He stared at her. Did she have a disease?

"Don't look at me like that. It's a disorder. Not a cancer." She said, "What am I here for again?"

"I am not repeating what I said earlier!" junpyo's face was red with anger and a bit of embarrassment. How can he not know what ADHD was?

"So does this mean I can go now?"

"...girlfriend!" he snapped, "I want you to be my secret girlfriend."

She walked closer and lightly touched his forehead. Junpyo blushed from the proximity. "Are you sick? Did you like eat spoiled caviar?" she assumed.

Junpyo jerked her hand away from his forehead. "What is wrong with you? I'm asking you to be my girlfriend—"

"And..." she drawled, "You decided to kidnapped me and give me a make-over. That's certainly a first. Is this how you Koreans confess your feelings or something?"

"Sooo..You accept my proposal?"

"Hmmm...No." she deadpanned. "I'm leaving." Raven turned her back on him and began to walk away but Junpyo blocked the path.

"Move aside while I'm being nice." She said calmly.

"Do you know how much was spent on you from head to toe?" Junpyo tried to convince her of his offer by possibly scaring her of her make-over cost. "100 million won. That's over 100,000 grand."

She didn't look afraid, "and I should care because...?"

"If you're with me, you can enjoy more than that everyday. I could give you a yacht, a house and lot, more jewels, bags, shoes and dresses than you could ever ask for. I could even get rid of your scars. Are you saying you don't want that?" He tried to convince her.

But Raven looked at him with a peeved expression, "Ahh...No." was her simple reply.


"Noooo.." she sang. "First of all, this is not the first time someone offered me all of...this." She gestured with her hands, "I've heard better offers and frankly yours is just...petty. Second, I hate jewels ..." Hazel could strangle me with these, "Yea sure, I like dressing up and looking cute sometimes but I don't exactly want to look like a freaking princess. I can't even fight in these. Plus, these shoes. I could kill someone with these." She gave Junpyo a look that almost said, 'and by someone, I meant you.'

Raven took off the earrings, the necklace and she was about to take off the dress when she realize who she was standing in front of, "And third, you are a crazy sad little rich boy and you are totally out of my league."

"Out of your league? You have the nerve to say that. Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Are you that stupid enough to not know who you are?" she said rolling her eyes. "Give me back my uniform!"

Junpyo's face flushed with anger but he obeyed Raven's request. She turned her back on him walking away but then she stopped, "and one more thing." She said looking over her shoulder. "It seems like you don't know this but real friends cannot be bought by money. I speak from experience. Use your heart to reach out to them." She turned. Raven has her friends as solid proof.

Junpyo blinked. That's not true. He viewed life differently than her. "There's nothing that money can't buy" he told her. "Even love can be bought if you know how to pay correctly. Is there really something that can't be bought using money in this world? If youre that confident, tell me right now, commoner."

She turned to face him once again, shrugging she said, "Well for one thing...Air." She lied. Raven actually bought a bag of air from Aeolus once for a mission but she couldn't exactly tell him that. She could however supply him with a long list but that would take all day and she felt rather lazy.

She smirked at him, leaving the room. Junpyo was left speechless.

Raven Mist traveled back home. The daughter of Apate refused to be another one of Aphrodite's personal soap operas! It was then that she realized, She completely forgot her shoes.

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