Chapter eight

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The F4 were once again hanging out at one of their private rooms. Lady Gaga's music was singing at the background. Jihoo was occupying himself around with some cards, while YiJung and Woobin were playing pool. Junpyo was sitting at one of the chairs chuckling quietly to himself.

"Why is he so amused?" Woobin said. Yijung smiled and crouched down assuming position to strike the ball.

"She actually dared to pepper spray the Great Gu Junpyo. And she threatened him nevertheless. With a pencil! I have to admit that was rather...terrifying." YiJung said, shuddering in the process. Though the F4 won't admit it loudly, Raven actually gave them quite a scare.

Junpyo continued snickering like a lovesick teenager.

"It's been a while since our school lives were so fun." Yijung continued. JiHoo smirked. Even Raven managed to impress the other two members of the F4, "But don't you think she reminds you of someone?" YiJung thought out loud. WooBin began to wonder too.

"JooHee noona!" They both said. Junpyo quickly whipped his head to face the two.

"What?! Don't joke." He responded angrily.

"There are some similarities." Woobin claimed.

"That plain tacky girl? How is she like my Sister at all?" Junpyo said.

"You would know better." Yijung hinted.

"Shut up" Junpyo muttered.

"Why were you all giddy with yourself earlier?" Woobin asked.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?" Yijung said, smiling.

"You guys still haven't noticed?" He gave them an all-knowing grin.


The Shinhwa heir grinned happily to himself and stared at the ceiling like a lovestruck princess, "That chick, no matter how I think about it, is totally into me." Junpyo declared.

JiHoo heard what his best friend said and couldn't help but shake his head. He was truly dense.

"What?" the two playboys gaped at his statement.

"Gu Junpyo, how in the world did you arrive at that conclusion?" YiJung asked.

Junpyo grinned widely, "Aren't you guys supposed to be pros at getting girls? They say a girl's "No" is really a "Yes". She says she hates me, but in reality, she has fallen in love with me." He explained.

Yijung looked at his friend like he was the dumbest dude in the planet.

"She says she hates me, but in reality, she has fallen in love with me." Junpyo continued.

"Eheh..."Woobin trailed off, shaking his head in his friend's dense logic.

"Think about it." Junpyo started, "She didn't want the guy she likes to misunderstand, so she came herself to insist she was pure and innocent."

She threatened to stab you in the heart! Jihoo thought.

"Following that logic..."Yijung breathed.

"...saying she hasn't had her first kiss..." Woobin trailed off.

"..Is her way of saying she's waiting for her first kiss from me." Junpyo finished, looking very impressed with himself.

YiJung clapped mockingly, smiling, he said, "Bravo! Impressive, Gu Jun Pyo. Youre my friend but that's really something."

Junpyo snickered, "That goes without saying. There would be a day where Gu Junpyo's charisma hits home. I knew it was strange."

YiJung sniggered. Woobin shook his head

He really is an idiot. They both thought.

"She thinks she could fool me by acting mad." Junpyo assumed.

She wasn'tmad. Have you seen her expression? She looked murderous. Jihoo thought. "It would be bothersome too if she was too straightforward." The Shinhwa heir commented. "Wouldn't it?" he said, gesturing the question to his friends.

YiJung looked at Woobin. They both shook their heads in amusement. Junpyo, oblivious to their thoughts, kept on snickering in triumph.

Jihoo was so done with Junpyo's stupidity.

Raven didn't know why she wasn't expelled yet. She also had no idea why she decided to come to school. Pride and Stubborness? Raven shook her head to clear her mind. She shoved her hands into her uniform pocket and walked up at one of the stairs of the school. She stopped when four guys in suits started blocking her path. She gave them a once over and immediately, Raven thought, Gu Jun Pyo.

What did he want with her know?!

She stared at the guys with a stoic expression. One spoke and said, "Are you Miss Raven Winters?"

Raven kept her cool and shrugged, "No. but you'll probably find her at one of the emergency fire exits." She replied calmly. Raven walked up but Junpyo's guards were still blocking her path.

"Excuse me. But I need to get to go home." She informed them. They didn't budge.

"I'm sorry," one of the guards bowed a bit, "But we were told that Raven Winters is an American girl with white hair. You're the only one in this school who fits the description. Please miss, come with us."

"Well, I'm actually her twin sister." She said, giving them a cheeky smile.

"You need to come with us, Miss." One of them finally said. His tone was firm.

"What if I don't want to come?" She said, gritting her teeth. They were getting on her nerves. She reached into her pocket to grab her pepper spray. She furrowed her eyebrows. It wasn't there. She swore she it was there. She kept pepper spray with her at all times to keep the bullies away. Where was it?!

"Then we would have to force you." He declared. She gave them an exasperated sigh. Raven tensed. She prepared for battle. These guys were easy enough to bring down. A little judo flip here, a back kick there and maybe she'll beat them up using Muay thai moves she learned.

"I'd like to see you try." She said darkly.

They moved. Raven was about to flip one guard but to her surprise. The world paused for just about one second and the wind stopped. She felt an eerie breeze and the familiar giggle of a goddess. The world played again. That was when Raven realized...She couldn't freaking move!

The guards grabbed her and manhandled her into a sleek black car. She tried to fight back but she was frozen.

"HEY LET ME GO!" Raven yelled. She couldn't even move her wrist.

Raven was drugged to sleep and before she blacked out, she screamed of one name silently from her head.


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