Twenty-Fifth Chapter - Start of the Movie Tour

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Luke’s POV

I woke up the next morning, glad for it to be Saturday and so excited to go to Brisbane. I checked my phone to see that it was 8:48am so I had about an hour before we had to leave for the airport. We had an 11:45am flight. I was so keen to see Lexi, it felt like ages since I had seen her and I missed her so much. Skip was also pretty eager to see Rosie and Beau had been counting down the days to see Mel. James was really excited to go to Perth, to see his girlfriend Veronica, they hadn’t seen each other in person in almost two months. Jai was upset, because Ariana was going home today to record her new album, I can tell he really loves her.

I had breakfast and got ready. I changed into my Cream coloured jeans and my Chicago Bulls Jersey. I pulled out my favourite snapback and put it on top of my styled hair. I really needed to fix my hair up, the blue in the front of it was fading, so I packed the blue colour dye in my suitcase. Soon we were all ready to go and we called up a couple maxi taxis to take us to the airport.

When we arrived at the airport we checked in and went through security. We talked to some fans and took some photos with them. While we were waiting for our flight I took a few selfies and picked the best one to post on instagram. I captioned it “On my way to see my beautiful girlfriend @PrincessLexi , I miss you so much babe xx”. We were staying at a hotel called the Stamford, which is right on the river, so I was hoping I could get some good photos from my hotel room.  Lexi had school on most days, but she said she was still going to see me whenever she could while I’m there and I asked her to stay over some nights, which she agreed to happily.

Jai said goodbye to Ariana for the last time before she left to go to the international terminal, tears streaming down his face.. he was an emotional wreck and he had finally cracked. I gave her a hug and said goodbye as she left. Mum was comforting Jai and we all started making jokes to make him feel better.

Our flight finally got called to board as we went and lined up, scanning our tickets and walking onto the plane. We had seats right up the back. After everyone was on, we got shown the safety precautions and then we took off. I got a gorgeous photo of the city from the plane for instagram later.

After 2 hours we finally arrived in Brisbane, the weather was awesome, sunny like always. I was so keen for these next two weeks and I was so excited to see Lexi. Her, Mel and Rosie were coming over tonight for dinner and a Movie night and to stay the night. I had picked out some movies from my hard-drive already for us to watch that I know she would love. We got off the plane and began walking out the terminal, only to be greeted by about 50 gorgeous girls. I loved our fans, they were so welcoming, caring and loving. Then I saw a familiar figure emerge out of the crowd… my eyes lit up… “Lexi!!” I screamed as I smiled, running over to her and picking her up, passionately kissing her and spinning her around. “Aaawwww” the fans cried as they videoed us kissing and hugging and me almost crying, I am such an emotional person. I turned around to see that Mel and Rosie were here too and they were getting smothered in hugs from Skip and Beau. I could tell these next couple of weeks were going to be absolutely amazing!!! We talked to the fans for a while and got photos with them. We also had Jacob there filming for our movie. Mum called up and ordered a couple maxi taxis for us and they soon came. The fans followed us outside and waved us goodbye as we hopped in the taxis and drove away. Lexi and I sat up on the back seat, holding hands and catching up a bit from the last week. She told me about school and how her job was going, she worked for an event management company a few afternoons per week, planning parties, weddings and stuff. Her job sounded really cool and interesting. She wanted to know our plans for the fortnight but I told her it was a surprise as I flashed her a wink and squeezed her hand tighter. I was so glads to have her back I didn’t want to let her go. After about 20 minutes, we arrived at our hotel, it was so nice, really fancy.

Lexi's dream (A Luke Brooks Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora