I like you

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I've been at this party for an hour and a half. I've danced with Michael many times and I even danced with Ciara and Alissa my feet was starting to hurt and I had to pee.

I went upstairs and went down the hallway looking for the bathroom until I bumped into someone

"Ouch, sorry"


"Dylan, where have you been. Why aren't you downstairs having fun"

"I was actually about to leave I'm not really feeling it"

"Let me guess Amy called you demanding you come home" I didn't mean to sound jealous or rude but I was annoyed. First he gives me this dirty look then he disappears

"You care"

"I don't"

"Good because it didn't look like you cared when you was grinding all up on Michael like a hoe"

"Excuse me"

"Yea excuse you"

"You know what fuck you" I screamed walking away. He grabbed me back and pinned me to the wall


"Why do you even care what I do and who I do it with. I'm not your girlfriend"

"Because I like you Hope"

"Wh...what" I was stunned this boy that I met a few days ago likes me. I didn't want to get involved because of his girlfriend but how can I not, he's gorgeous.

"I didn't want to tell you but after seeing you with Michael I was pissed"

"But.." I was cut off when he placed his lips on mine. I was shocked I didn't know if I should kiss back or push him away. I ended up kissing him back, I put my arms around his neck while his hands were on my hips. His tongue licked at my lips asking for permission to enter in which I gave to him.  The kiss was so amazing I ended up moaning. I knew what we were doing was wrong but it felt so right, I pulled away anyways and caught my breath. I couldn't look at him I felt dirty.


"We shouldn't have done that"

"Why not"

"What do you mean. Do you not understand you have a girlfriend. I should go"

He sighed letting me go, "I'll see you tomorrow?"


"The project at my house." Shoot I almost forgot about that!

"Um, yea I guess" I walked down the stairs looking for anyone that I knew.

I spotted my brother but he was on the couch making out with Alissa and Ciara was talking to some guy so I looked for Michael.

"Hey" I said when I finally spotted him

"Hey, where you been"

"Bathroom" i lied

"O ok well come here" he took my hand and led me to the back yard where it was almost empty

"Why are we out here?" I asked

"Just to loud in there and I wanted to hear your beautiful voice" he said as he grabbed me and pulled me close to him

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