Halfway there

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Hope's POV

"Mom we been driving for like ten hours, I'm hungry" Kareen whined from the back seat of the car

"actually 6 hours, but yea me too. And I'm tired." My mom answered back.

"Where can we go at 3 am? It's too late, or should I say too early, for Burger King or McDonalds." I asked. I was so tired but I was to uncomfortable to sleep in the car. My feet was crammed and my neck felt stiff.

"Hope is right ma, how bout the Waffle House, according to my phone there should be one about two and a half miles from where we are and there a hotel right next to it"

"Ok, that sound good, we can eat go to sleep then get back on the road, we should be there by 6 pm tomorrow if there's no traffic" my mom said

"That's great because I'm ready to fall out onto a real bed, this is so uncomfortable, and I need my beauty sleep"

"Yea I can tell" Kareen said while making a disgusted face, I hit him across the head and he laughed

"Stop being so dramatic Hope and stop bothering your sister Kareen" my mom laughed as she pulled in to the parking lot of Waffle House"

Getting out of the car we walked inside and found a booth. It was still a little dark out but I didn't mind, I was just hungry.

"Hi my name is Jake and I will be your server today can I start y'all off with some drinks?"  This really cute boy with ocean blue eyes and dark black hair and tan skin came who looked like he can be around my age and said to us.

"Yea I will have a Pepsi and some waffles, and pancakes with a side of bacon, hash browns, and eggs" my brother exclaimed with a big smile

"Really Kareen, waffles and pancakes?"

"What mom, I have to eat to stay built. I'm an athlete"

"And your also a pig" I laughed, jake looked amused but kept his professional side to him

"I'll just have some waffles and bacon and a water with a side of lemons if that's ok" my mom said

"Of course, and for you ma'am?" Jake said smiling at me. Wow that smile, he had perfect straight teeth that was so white and bright it can blind you. And his lips were so pink and kissable. I can't seem to look away.



"Food? What do you want to eat"

"Ohhh sorry, I'll have the French toast with eggs and sausage and a orange juice" I said a little embarrassed that I got caught staring at his lips.

"Great I'll be back with your drinks and food" Jake said walking away, I took out my phone and started playing games as if I didn't just get caught fantasizing about this boy a minute ago

"Hope what was that" my brother asked

"What was what"

"That look you gave him a minute ago"

"What look?" I tried to play dumb

"Oooo mom Hope likes our waiter" he laughed

"I do not, shut up Kareen"

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