2: stranger

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After a few hours of nothing but laying on the floor in embarrassment, there was a knock at the door. Dan didn't want to get up, and didn't at first, but then there was a second knock, then a third, then a fourth, and that was when he knew the person behind the door wasn't going to leave without a greeting.
Groggily standing, Dan made his way to the door and opened it, but there was nobody there. Confused, Dan looked around, before he noticed the note on his door. Dan took the note off of his door and walked back into his house, closing the door behind him.
Dan stared at the beautiful handwriting of the note as he made his way to the lounge and sunk on the couch. The note read as follows:
Dear cute stranger,
I noticed you found quite a fondness to my face. By my guess, you were sketching me, so I felt the need to introduce myself.
My name will remain anonymous for now, at least until you meet me, however I will let you know that I am from Manchester, but I moved to London in hopes to have my books become much more known.
I love to write and I love to read. My favorite of my read books are the Harry Potter series.
I've got two books published myself and I'm hoping to publish a third shortly.
I will return home around 18:00 tonight. Why don't you stop on by? I would love to get to know you and to make a friend in this new town.
I would also love to see your art, and possibly use some as some book covers, with your permission of course.
I hope you stop by,
Your new neighbor.
Dan read the words over and over. Someone actually wanted to meet him. And he called him cute.
He looked at the clock. It was only 14:00. He had a while before he would meet the stranger.
So many questions ran through his head. Who was he? Why didn't he want him to know his name? Why did he want him to stop by?
Dan set the note down and ran to his bathroom. He could use this time to get ready and make himself presentable. He didn't want to be an absolute mess when confronting the mysterious man.

( A/N: whoa another short chapter. People kept begging me to update, so I finally did. Wrote this quickly in the car. Enjoy! )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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