Meet Ups, Break Ups and Hook Ups!

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Before I start, I would like to thank everyone who has given me the confidence and inspiration to continue writing. It means so much that people take time out of their day to read what I have done, and like too! So thank every last one of you! <3

Secondly, I just want to add that this chapter may be the last one for a little while due to personal circumstances and it may or may not be left on a big cliff hanger (because I am a little evil LOL). I might be able to write both chapters today, the next one being the last, so fingers crossed I have the time.

Also, I am currently taking requests for one-shots. The only thing I ask is that they be Crew related. So it can be any subject, any pairing and any rating. I will try to get through them all! 

Without further adieu, on with the story!


Shadow opened one eye, searching for his phone on the bedside table as his alarm sounded. He groaned at the early start as he slide out of the comfort of his warm bed. Today was the day of the big fan meet and while he was looking forward to meeting up with some fans, there was a niggling doubt in the back of his mind.

This was supposed to be the day I tell Side everything. He thought, vocalizing his discontent with a sigh. That plan had been torn apart the day they had arrived when the object of his affection turn up with a fucking girlfriend. What were the damn chances.

Shadow had a quick shower and dressed looking himself over in the mirror. Shadow had never been one to like what he saw. He always picked out his faults rather than what looked good. Look at me. It really is no wonder Side has never given me a second glance. He ran a hand through his damp hair, trying to brush it into some kind of style. Frowning, he gave up, opting to instead to just throw on his Giants hat.

Shadow glanced at his phone to check for the time. G18 had text him late last night, saying he would meet him in his room and that he had something important to tell him. Shadow had grinned at that. It was so obvious that G18's plan had worked with him and Speedy. Hell, they looked like a couple sitting that that dinner table, staring longingly into each others eyes like a couple of love-struck teenagers.

And lets not mention that little moment outside G18's room. Shadow smirked. The other two hadn't even noticed he had seen them. Too preoccupied with each other. He thought. Shadow could not have felt happier for his friends. Even if his own relationship was non-existent and falling apart around him, they both deserved it. Besides, they look meant for each other.

Shadow was pulled out of his mind by a quiet tap at the door. He grinned once more, knowing it had to be G18. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. He joked as he answered the door. He was about to greet the younger man but didn't get a chance as G18 basically ran into the room, already speaking.

"Shed, you will not believe what happened last night!" Shadow couldn't tell if G18 was excited or worried, his voice was strange. Closing he door, he made his way to where G18 was already pulling alcohol from Shadow's mini-fridge. 

"You know its 9am right?" He asked confused, only for his words to be brushed off by G18 taking a swig of the drink. Something was wrong. "What's going on G? I though after you and Speedy hitting off beautifully," he winked at his friend, causing a slight blush. "I thought you would be as cheery as anything man."

"This isn't about me and Speedy, that is perfect." G18 looked blissful for a second before the look of confusing and worry appeared again. He took a seat on Shadow's couch, gesturing for the other man to sit next to him. He proceeded to explain everything he had heard last night outside his room.

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