G18 Knows All

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G18 watched his screen with a look of confusion as he watched Shadow disappear from the Skype call. His brows furrowed. Shadow wasn't the kind of person to just up and leave a call, especially when they were having a serious conversation like the current one. They had been discussing the future Crew meet up with fans when Shadow, with a shaky voice, stated he had to go and promptly left without so much as a goodbye.

G18 shook his head. He had noticed his friend change in behavior recently and it was beginning to perplex him. Maybe Shadow had found someone? No, he would have said something surely, he had never kept that to himself in the past. G18 had began to notice Shadow's change in behavior a few months back.

They had been playing GTA, the whole crew, minus Jahova who had a family thing. They had all been laughing and joking around until Side had asked a silly question like usual. Normally, everyone would laugh it off, call Side an idiot in a loving way before continuing what ever it was they were doing. But this time was different.

Shadow had sighed hard, annoyance audible. He then proceeded to lay into Side, call him this name and that, leaving everyone else in a state of shock. Obviously noting his friends response, Shadow had said he was 'kidding'. But G18 was fairly certain he wasn't.

Now, G would pride in himself for being the most observant member of the crew. He liked to stay silent, only speaking when asked or to make his friend laugh. That's why whenever Shadow made a jibe at SideArms he would pick up on it straight away. He was baffled at the sudden change from the other man. 

It was almost like he was pushing himself to be mean. G18 frowned. Maybe that was it. Maybe the real reason behind Shadows constant hatred for Side was because he felt he needed to be like it. Like he was hiding something. 

G18's eyes widened in realization. Was it possible that Shadow was hiding feelings for Side? Masked behind a screen of harsh words and put downs? How long had this been going on? Did anyone else know? Question after question flew through G18's head. He needed to speak to Shadow. 

He quickly bid goodbye to his friends, claiming he was tired and needed to sleep before ending the call and putting his Skype to 'appearing offline'. He hesitated before clicking on Shadow's name. What if he was wrong? He didn't want to loose a friend. He weighed up the options. If he didn't talk to Shadow there was a chance he could loose him anyway or even Side, if Shadow pushed hard enough. 

G18 gulped before calling Shadow. He sat, staring at the screen, waiting for the other man to answer. He let out a breath of relief when he heard:

"Hey G."


Shadow answered G18's call, his hand still stroking Allie's head for reassurance. 

"Hey G," He started, "Whats up man?"

"Just wanted to check in on you." Came the hesitant reply. "You weren't acting like yourself back in the group call. Hell you haven't been acting yourself in a long while." G18 stated, his voice soft as if he was trying not to piss Shadow off. 

Shadow stared blankly at the screen. Had he really been that noticeable?

"It was fairly noticeable Shadow." G18 said, answering the question Shadow didn't realize he had spoken out loud. He sat there, fiddling with his fingers, worry spreading across his face. 

"Please, Shadow. Whats up with you? You've been snappy, especially to Side. Tell me whats wrong." Shadow could tell by G18's voice that he was genuinely worried for him. Shadow sighed heavily, feeling of nausea passing over him. He gulped down another mouthful of water before replying.

"If I tell you something, can you promise you won't tell anyone else?" Shadow asked, biting his thumbnail in agitation. After hearing G18's truthful promise not to say anything, Shadow swallowed the lump in his throat and told G18 everything. From  when he first thought of Side as more than a friend to hiding behind his fears of what it meant. 

G18 sat quietly, listening to Shadows's confessions, tears prickling his eyes. How had Shadow managed to cope keeping all these feelings locked up? Why had he been so afraid to come foreword? To confide in someone? G18 wiped at his eyes as Shadow's speech came to a close.

"Wow man. I never knew it was that bad for you. Thank you for trusting me with this." G18 whispered, his voice trapped. To think, they were all just laughing and having fun whilst Shadow had to deal with this inner turmoil all by himself. He could faintly hear the sound of Shadow banging his head against his desk, letting out a pained whimper.

"What am I going to do G? I can't keep this up but there is no way in hell I can tell Side."  G18 had to wince at the hurt tone in Shadow's voice. He was unsure whether or not he was going to be able to help him. Unless....

"I know how you're feeling Shadow." He said softly, his own tone saddening. 

"What do you mean?" Shadow asked, puzzled.

"I have feelings for someone I shouldn't." Was his reply. there was a short pause in conversation, silence filling the room before,

"Who are you....". "Speedy.". "Oh...". "Yeah, sucks doesn't it."

To Be Continued....

Next chapter Shadow and G try to find some resolve but end up instead creating a plan to try and get the people they want. Hope you enjoy this so far. :D

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