How Not to Deal with a Hangover. Oh, and Jealousy too!

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Shadow groaned, throwing his arm over his face as the bright morning sunlight invaded his room. He glanced up, looking through strained eyes as G18 opened his blinds, smiling. The ass was smiling. 

"What the fuck G?" Shadow voice was hoarse as he asked, reaching over for a glass of water which must of been placed by his friend. Oh, and pain killers too! G18 was so thoughtful, when he wasn't blinding his hungover friend that is.

"Time to get up bro, we are meeting the others. You have already missed breakfast man." Shadow groaned again. All he wanted to do was lay in bed and nurse his headache. But, alas, he knew he would have to make an appearance at some point and G18 wasn't going to let him stay in the room all day.

He felt is stomach churn as he moved to sit up and he took a deep breath. God,  this was going to be horrible. He slowly rose, his legs shaking as he made his way to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, he groaned for the third time. He looked like shit. Shadow turned on the cold tap, splashing the water on his face. He needed to brush his teeth too...


G18 waiting in the main room for Shadow to finish. He knew it was a little harsh to get Shadow up, knowing how bad the other man was feeling, but he didn't want the others coming up and seeing Shadow at his worst. 

Even though G18 thought he had had a slightly successful night, he knew Shadow's was the opposite. He felt for him. How had Side managed to keep having a girlfriend a secret was beyond him. He wish he had known so he could have pre-warned Shadow because seeing Shadow, someone that everyone thought was strong and resilient, look this broken, was hurtful.

He sipped at his horrible hotel coffee as Shadow wandered meekly into the room, holding his head with one hand. He really looked terrible. G18 offered the man a small, sympathetic smile and received a weak one in response.

"Tell me, honestly, how do I look G?" Shadow questioned. And honestly? G18 had never seen anyone look this bad. He looked sick.

"Like crap?" It came out a question, as if asking if that was the right thing to say. He was answered with a small chuckle.

"Yeah I guess I do." Shadow looked over to the door. "I guess we should get down there." G18 could see his friend wince at the thought, as if the idea of seeing the others, of seeing Side, was physically hurting him. 

"The sooner we go, the sooner you can come back and sleep off your hangover." G18 reasoned. He heard the small sigh.

"Yeah, your right. Lets get this over and done with." And with that, he strolled towards the door and left, leaving G18 to trail hopelessly after him.


Shadow's head was throbbing as they made their way to the lobby, the noise of the other guests penetrating his head, causing more pain. Never fucking drinking again. He thought as he spotted his friends. His stride slowed as he spotted Side and his new girl. What was her name again? Tina? No, that wasn't it? Leila? Shadow could not for the life of him remember her name. He was saved the embarrassment when said girl bounded over happily, stretching out a hand.

"Hi! You're Shadow right? Sidey has told me so much about you! I'm Olivia!" She spoke with a big smile. Gotta love a girl with enthusiasm. And I guess she is sweet and kind of cute. She better look after Side. Shadow gave the girl a faked smile as he shook her outstretched hand, offering her a greeting.

"Yeah, sorry about last night. Must of drunk too much." He smiled weakly at that. Drank too much and got my heart torn in two. Shadow's brain was on a roll today. His queasiness heightened as Side came over to join them.

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