Growing Closer and Growing Suspicions

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Shadow awoke late afternoon, feeling more refreshed than he had felt earlier on. His headache had depleted and the queasiness had ceased. Unfortunately, his head was that clear that he could go back to thinking about his problem. Groaning and rubbing his eyes, Shadow slipped out of bed and stretched his aching limbs.

I should really grab a shower before making my second appearance. Shadow thought to himself, walking towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower and stripped off, looking briefly in the mirror before climbing underneath the warm spray. He let out a low sigh, enjoying the water cascading down his body. He felt much better already.

After cleansing himself, Shadow made quick work of drying off and getting himself dressed. Grabbing his hotel keycard, he left the room and headed downstairs, hoping to find his friends. He inwardly winced as all he found was Side's girlfriend, Olivia, smiling and greeting him with a wave.

"Hi Shadow, you are looking better." Her smile was contagious, like Side's, and Shadow found himself smiling back. He had to admit, she was a friendly person, it was easy to see why Side loved her.

"I'm feeling much better thanks." His eyes wandered around the lobby. "So, where are the others?" He asked. As kind as Olivia was, it was not Shadow's intention to spend a lot of time with this girl.

"They'll be back in a minute, they all went for a rest once we got back from lunch and Side forgot his wallet so went back to our room to get it." Olivia replied,smiling fully. Shadow cringed slightly at her choice of words. 'Their room'. The two of them fell into an uncomfortable silence which, to Shadow's  happiness, was broken by the return of Side, with G18, Speedy and D4 trailing behind.

"Sorry I took so long baby, bumped into these lot on the way down and D4 thought it would be funny to press every button in the elevator." Side giggled out, D4 laughing along with him. Speedy and G18 were shaking their heads but were smiling along too. Turning a little, Side finally realized Shadow was their too. 

"Oh hey man. You feeling better?" His eyes were showing worry as he gave Shadow a quick look over, as if to check if he was physically ok. Shadow couldn't help but give Side a warm smile. He loved Side's caring behavior, it was one of his best attributes. 

"I feel fine now Side, thanks." He gave Side a soft pat on the shoulder as he moved to the others just as the rest of the Crew arrived in the lobby. "So, what's this evening's plan boys and girls?" 

"I have got it all covered." Speedy grins. Trust him to have everything planned out.


Speedy's idea happened to be one of G18's favorite past times. Bowling. Now, G18 wasn't very good, he got more gutter balls than anything but it was a great way to have fun with such a large group of friends. They paid for 3 lanes and split into teams: Hova and Joel were with their significant others, the Deluxe brothers were paired with Side and Olivia which left Speedy, G18 and Shadow as a team. They might have had the disadvantage of having one less player, but it was all for fun anyway.

"So here's the challenge guys." Hova starts. "We will have 3 full games. Afterwards we will add up the full total of everyone's scores and the team with the highest overall score wins." He was grinning and G18 knew the reason why. He had seen Hova play before. The guy was a bowling MASTER!

"What does the winner get?" D20 pipes up as he ties his bowling shoes. Or as D4 called them, 'clown shoes'. 

"The winning team will get to dare each member of the overall loosing team. And it can be anything, and I mean anything." Hova wiggles his eyebrows as he speaks. This was going to be an interesting game. "Let the games, BEGIN!"

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